Press Releases
2025 Press Releases
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Scientists Identify Age-Invariant Genes That Could Transform Aging Research
02-26-2025“[...] we provide the aging field with lists of tissue-specific age-invariant genes as well as 9 pan-tissue age-invariant genes for use in normalization strategies in murine tissues, e.g., RT-qPCR.”
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BUFFALO, NY — February 26, 2025 — A new research paper was published in A…
EpiAge: A New Test to Measure Biological Age Using Saliva or Blood
02-24-2025“Our findings demonstrate that epiAgePublic can effectively estimate biological age with an accuracy comparable to more complex, established epigenetic clocks.”
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BUFFALO, NY — February 24, 2025 — A new research paper was published in Aging (Aging-US) on January 22, 2025, …
Inflammation and Metabolic Syndrome Linked to Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
02-19-2025“Our research results suggest that pro-inflammatory mediators and suppressors of inflammation are involved in the development of BPH, but their exact contribution has yet to be investigated.”
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BUFFALO, NY — February 19, 2025 — A new research paper was published by Aging (A…
Senolytic ABT-263 Reduces Radiation-Induced Gastrointestinal Cancer
02-18-2025“Our results offer ‘proof of concept’ for the future use of a pharmaceutical senolytic strategy to reduce the risk of IR-induced GI cancer.”
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BUFFALO, NY—February 18, 2025 — A new research paper was published by Aging (Aging-US) on January 8, 2025, in Volume 17, Issue 1, …
DNA Methylation Clocks May Require Tissue-Specific Adjustments for Accurate Aging Estimates
02-12-2025“Our results suggest that forensic applications of DNAm clocks using non-blood tissue types will provide age estimates that are not as accurate as predictions based on blood, especially if using clocks algorithms trained on blood samples.”
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BUFFALO, NY—February 12, 2025 — …
Study Reveals How Physical Activity Impacts Sleep Quality in Older Adults During COVID-19 Pandemic
02-11-2025“[...] we found that PA may be associated with the sleep quality of older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic and that reduced levels of PA during the COVID-19 pandemic period had a negative association with the quality of sleep of older adults in social isolation.”
Neurocognitive Disparities in Aging: Exploring Ethnicity & Mental Health
02-05-2025“One possible reason for differences in neurocognitive functioning between Hispanic individuals and non-Hispanic individuals is stress as ethnic health disparities have been found to be shaped by a diverse range of lifetime stressors that are disproportionally exacerbated for ethnic minorities.”
ABT-263 Treatment Rejuvenates Aged Skin and Enhances Wound Healing
02-04-2025“[...] topical ABT-263 effectively reduced several senescence markers in aged skin, thereby priming the skin for improved subsequent wound healing.”
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BUFFALO, NY—February 4, 2025 — A new research paper was published by Aging (Aging-US) on December 3, 2024, in Volume 17, …
ISarcoPRM Algorithm: Advancing Global Sarcopenia Diagnosis
01-29-2025“One of the most commonly used diagnostic methods, appendicular lean mass (ALM) measured by dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) has been reported to fail to precisely detect age-related loss of muscle mass [...]”
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BUFFALO, NY- January 29, 2025 – A new editorial was …
Renal Transporter Genes and Uremic Toxins in Aging Cats with Chronic Kidney Disease
01-28-2025“Cats and humans share 90.9%, 77.8%, and 82.5% identities in OAT1, OATP4C1, and ABCC2 proteins, respectively.”
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BUFFALO, NY- January 28, 2025 – A new research paper was published in Volume 16, Issue 22 of Aging (Aging-US) on December 20, 2024, titled, “Impaired renal …
Arginase-II Deficiency Slows Skeletal Muscle Aging in Mice
01-22-2025“Our results suggest that increased Arg-II in non-skeletal muscle cells promotes age-associated sarcopenia, particularly in male mice.”
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BUFFALO, NY- January 22, 2025 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany NY)" and …
Aging (Aging-US) Partners with Global Conference on Gerophysics
01-21-2025Listen to an audio version of this press release
BUFFALO, NY- January 21, 2025 — Aging (Aging-US) partners with the inaugural Global Conference on Gerophysics, taking place from March 5–6, 2025, in Singapore. This groundbreaking event marks the launch of Gerophysics, "a new, bold discipline that integrates statistical …
Epigenetic Aging and DNA-Methylation as Tumor Markers for Breast Cancer
01-20-2025“Our study contributes to the development of a DNAm biomarker that integrates conventional BC risk factors to better reflect the risk for BC subtypes, promoting epigenetically targeted preventive interventions tailored to aged individuals with high risk.”
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Fewer Skin Ulcers in Werner Syndrome Patients Treated with Pioglitazone
01-16-2025“[...] the results of this study indicate that pioglitazone might be useful in treating refractory skin ulcers, a typical condition that reduces the quality of life of patients with WS.”
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BUFFALO, NY- January 16, 2025 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed …
When Do Pathological Signs Appear? Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells in MDPL Syndrome
01-14-2025“[...] our results, obtained from three MDPL patients, draw a picture of senescent mesenchymal cells with clear morphological abnormalities.”
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BUFFALO, NY- January 14, 2025 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany NY)" and …
Dr. Mikhail Blagosklonny’s Legacy: Hyperfunction Theory and Rapamycin
01-13-2025“Blagosklonny’s work remains an enduring inspiration, paving the way toward treating aging as a modifiable condition.”
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BUFFALO, NY- January 15, 2025 – A new priority review was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany NY)" and "Aging-US" by Web of …
Brown Fat Boosts Exercise Performance and Promotes Healthy Longevity
01-08-2025“Our hypothesis is that BAT protects against impaired healthful longevity, i.e., obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disorders, cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, and reduced exercise tolerance.”
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BUFFALO, NY- January 8, 2025 – A new research perspective was published in Aging …
Nuclear Lipid Droplets: Key Regulators of Aging and Nuclear Homeostasis
01-07-2025“A consistent feature of aging across diverse species is the progressive accumulation of lipid droplets (nLDs) within the nuclear compartment, which disrupts nuclear architecture and functionality.”
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BUFFALO, NY- January 7, 2025 – A new research perspective was published …
Epigenetic Clocks Reveal Biological Age at Cell-Type Resolution
01-02-2025“[...] we have quantified the relative contributions of extrinsic and intrinsic aging to an epigenetic clock’s predictive accuracy [...]”
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BUFFALO, NY- January 2, 2025 – A new priority research paper, featured as the cover of Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging …
Dr. Marco Demaria Named Editor-In-Chief of Aging (Aging-US)
12-19-2024Listen to an audio version of this press release
BUFFALO, NY- December 19, 2024 – We are pleased to announce that Dr. Marco Demaria, a leading expert in aging and cellular senescence, will join Aging (Aging-US) as Editor-in-Chief, starting January 1, 2025. Dr. Demaria will work alongside an esteemed Editorial Board.
Mesenchymal Cell Vesicles Target Chondrocyte Aging in Osteoarthritis
12-18-2024“The most important finding of our study was to establish that one intra-articular injection of ASC-EVs can profoundly affect the joint environment soon after administration.”
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BUFFALO, NY- December 18, 2024 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed by …
Sexual Dimorphism in Thermotherapy Responses in APP/PS1 Mice
12-17-2024“Passive thermotherapy positively modulates multiple physiological parameters and represents a nonpharmacological approach for potential disease modifying treatment.”
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BUFFALO, NY- December 17, 2024 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed …
Accelerated Aging in Young Sickle Cell Patients Linked to Elevated T-cell p16INK4a
12-11-2024“These initial results suggest that individuals with SCD have a significantly higher cellular senescence burden which may contribute to premature aging, physiological decline, and excess morbidities.”
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BUFFALO, NY- December 11, 2024 – A new research paper was published …
Prostaglandin E2's Role in Senescence and Neoplastic Escape in Human Keratinocytes
12-10-2024“Our data indicate that the PTGS2 level and the production of PGE2 are increased during in vitro senescence of NHEKs, as well as during aging of skin epidermal keratinocytes.”
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BUFFALO, NY- December 10, 2024 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed by …
Effects of Megakaryocyte Conditioned Media on Endothelial Cell Angiogenesis
12-04-2024“With aging, the risk of fractures and compromised healing increases.”
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BUFFALO, NY- December 4, 2024 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany NY)" and "Aging-US" by Web of Science) Volume 16, Issue 21 on November 22, …
Sleep Deprivation in Dementia: Heart Disease, Diabetes, Anxiety, and Thyroid Disorders
12-02-2024"Sleep disturbances are a significant concern in individuals with dementia, affecting their overall health and quality of life, as well as that of their family members and caregivers.”
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BUFFALO, NY- December 2, 2024 – A new review was published on the cover of Aging …
Nucleoporin93: A Silent Protector in Vascular Health
11-26-2024"Research in the last several decades has established endothelial cells (ECs) as a dynamic interface critical for vascular protection.”
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BUFFALO, NY- November 26, 2024 – This editorial was published by Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany NY)" and "Aging-US" …
Phenotypic and Epigenetic Clocks for Aging and Mortality
11-20-2024“Biological clocks are used to measure the aging process in the hopes of identifying possible interventions.”
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BUFFALO, NY- November 20, 2024 – This review was published by Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany NY)" and "Aging-US" by Web of Science), in Volume …
Brain Aging and Alzheimer’s: Insights from Non-Human Primates
11-19-2024“Brain aging is a biological process that comprehends degenerative, adaptive, and regenerative brain changes that elapse through maturity until the elderly.”
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BUFFALO, NY- November 19, 2024 – A new review was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany …
EphA2 Signaling in Eye Lens Aging: Wild-Type, Knockout, and Aging Mice
11-13-2024“Erythropoietin-producing hepatocellular carcinoma (Eph) receptors make up the largest family of human receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs).”
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BUFFALO, NY- November 13, 2024 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany NY)" and …
Validating an Electronic Frailty Index in a National Health System
11-12-2024“The classification of patients according to their level of frailty allows us to adjust prevention programs and focus our limited resources on the right action for the right person.”
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BUFFALO, NY- November 12, 2024 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed by …
Impact of Iron on Aging in Enchytraeus crypticus
11-06-2024"[...] the effects on aging as observed are due to the toxicity of Fe ion released and not on a perturbation of the aging mechanism alone.”
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BUFFALO, NY- November 6, 2024 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany NY)" and …
Werner Syndrome RECQ Helicase and Heterochromatin Maintenance in Human Cells
11-05-2024“Our study highlights WRN as a contributor to the integrity of CH and points at the altered levels and distribution of LBR as a mediating mechanism.”
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BUFFALO, NY- November 5, 2024 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany …
Longevity Biotechnology: AI, Biomarkers, Geroscience & Applications for Healthy Aging
10-31-2024“The integration of artificial intelligence (AI), biomarkers, ageing biology, and longevity medicine stands as a cornerstone for extending human healthy lifespan.”
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BUFFALO, NY- October 31, 2024 – A new research paper was published on the cover of Aging (listed by …
Cardiovascular Risk Biomarkers in Inflammaging
10-29-2024“Here, we advocate for a more comprehensive biomarker-based approach to CV risk that incorporates two distinct dimensions.”
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BUFFALO, NY- October 29, 2024 – A new editorial was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany NY)" and "Aging-US" by Web of …
New Model to Study Macrophage Aging Mechanisms
10-24-2024"This model is a valuable tool for characterizing macrophage aging mechanisms and developing innovative strategies with promising therapeutical purpose in limiting inflammaging and ARD.”
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BUFFALO, NY- October 24, 2024 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed …
Senolytics Dasatinib and Quercetin for Prevention of Pelvic Organ Prolapse in Mice
10-22-2024“This study represents one of the first to evaluate the impact of senolytic agents D+Q on the clinical development of pelvic organ prolapse and expression of proteins associated with cellular senescence in a mouse model.”
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BUFFALO, NY- October 22, 2024 – A new research …
Tribute to Dr. Mikhail (Misha) Blagosklonny
10-22-2024Listen to an audio version of the tribute
It is with great sadness and heavy heart that we announce the recent passing of Dr. Mikhail (Misha) V. Blagosklonny, our beloved Editor-in-Chief. Misha succumbed to metastatic lung cancer after a courageous battle.
Dr. Blagosklonny will be remembered as a brilliant and …
Fibroblast Growth Factor 21 and Survival in the Elderly: Polsenior2 Study Results
10-17-2024“Of note, participants with high serum levels of FGF21 more frequently had metabolic complications, such as hypertension, obesity, diabetes, hypercholesterolemia, and hypertriglyceridemia.”
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BUFFALO, NY- October 17, 2024 – A new research paper was published in Aging …
Proteomics of Bone Formation in Young-Adult and Old Mice
10-15-2024“We conclude that proteomics is a promising approach to study bone biology and detect protein-specific changes in aging.”
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BUFFALO, NY- October 15, 2024 – A new research paper was published on the cover of Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany NY)" and …
Cerebral Blood Flow and Arterial Transit in Older Adults
10-08-2024“ATT may be more sensitive to age-related decline than CBF, and therefore useful for early detection and management of cerebrovascular impairment.”
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BUFFALO, NY- October 8, 2024 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany NY)" …
Frailty Linked to Long-term Physical Decline in Cancer Survivors
10-02-2024“Our study highlights the high prevalence of frailty in survivors with detrimental effects on physical and overall wellbeing, and supports an association between frailty and the senescence marker p16INK4a.”
BUFFALO, NY- October 2, 2024 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging …
Single Housing Extends Adult Lifespan in African Turquoise Killifish
09-30-2024“The whole-life history traits might be influenced by the degree of early-life cohabitation with others.”
BUFFALO, NY- September 30, 2024 – A new research paper was published on the cover of Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany NY)" and "Aging-US" by Web of Science), Volume 16, Issue 18 on September 16, …
Sleep Quality, Dementia and Mortality in Older US Adults
09-25-2024“Approximately 20% of adults are impacted by health issues associated with substandard sleep quality or insufficient sleep durations.”
BUFFALO, NY- September 25, 2024 – A new research paper titled, “Poor sleep quality, dementia status and their association with all-cause mortality among older US adults” was published …
Intraovarian PRP Improves Oocyte Quality and Embryo Development in Mouse Models
09-24-2024“Ovarian aging is associated with a progressive physiological decline in the quantity and quality of the oocytes.”
BUFFALO, NY- September 24, 2024 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany NY)" and "Aging-US" by Web of Science), Volume 16, Issue 17 on September 13, 2024, …
Activity Monitoring and Lifespan: A Longitudinal Study
09-18-2024“We specifically demonstrate the methodology with data on activity monitoring for Mediterranean fruit flies.”
BUFFALO, NY- September 18, 2024 – A new research perspective was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany NY)" and "Aging-US" by Web of Science), Volume 16, Issue 17 on September 9, 2024, …
The Cell Rejuvenation Atlas: Identifying Master Regulators of Rejuvenation Strategies
09-16-2024“Thus, we expect SINGULAR to be of great utility in informing further advances in human age reversal.”
BUFFALO, NY- September 16, 2024 – A new research paper was published on the cover of Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany NY)" and "Aging-US" by Web of Science), Volume 16, Issue 17 on September 9, 2024, …
Leukocyte Telomere Length and Disease Severity in Cystic Fibrosis
09-11-2024“We hypothesized that CF patients with more severe disease characteristics exhibit shorter leukocyte telomere length (LTL) and greater LTL attrition.”
BUFFALO, NY- September 11, 2024 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany NY)" and "Aging-US" by Web of Science), Volume …
2-Bromopalmitate Reduces Senescence in Human Cells: Role of Palmitoylation
09-10-2024“For the first time, the present study revealed a critical role for protein palmitoylation in the development of a DNA damage-induced senescence phenotype.”
BUFFALO, NY- September 10, 2024 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany NY)" and "Aging-US" by Web of Science), V…
Effects and Consequences of Cardiac Metabolism in the Elderly
09-04-2024“We aim to explore the relationship between cardiac metabolism dysfunction and heart failure, emphasizing the need of innovative treatments to manage these interconnected cardiovascular conditions.”
BUFFALO, NY- September 4, 2024 – A new editorial was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany NY)" …
Proteomic and Secretomic Analysis Reveals Cytoskeleton's Role in Aging
09-03-2024“Our present data reinforce knowledge about an age-related alteration in the synthesis of major proteins linked to the migratory and contractile functions of dermal human fibroblasts.”
BUFFALO, NY- September 3, 2024 – A new research paper was published on the cover of Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany …
Trioxidized Cysteine and Aging: Beyond Proteinopathic Paradigms
08-27-2024“The results indicated a significant increase in cumulative t-Cys levels and the total number of t-Cys residues in aging and aged mice proteomes compared to young groups.”
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BUFFALO, NY- August 27, 2024 – A new research perspective was published in Aging (listed by …
Impact of Exercise on Aging: Highlighting Muscle Biomarkers
08-21-2024“Here, we presented the first quantitative and qualitative study on the effect of exercise on age-related biomarkers in human skeletal tissues."
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BUFFALO, NY- August 21, 2024 – A new editorial was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany NY)" and …
How Physical Fitness and Lifestyle Impact Biological Aging
08-20-2024“Here, we discuss our recent report on the ‘Associations between cardiorespiratory fitness and lifestyle-related factors with DNA methylation-based ageing clocks in older men: WASEDA’S Health Study.’”
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BUFFALO, NY- August 20, 2024 – A new editorial was published in Aging …
Cell Death Types and Their Relations to Host Immune Pathways
08-16-2024“We have proposed a framework encompassing all discovered host immunological pathways, such as TH1, TH2a, TH2b, TH3, TH9, TH17, TH22, TH1-like, and THαβ immune reactions”
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BUFFALO, NY- August 16, 2024 – A new review was published as the cover paper of Aging (listed by …
Recalibrating Principles of Epigenetic Aging Clocks in Human Health
08-14-2024“Our study revealed that the composition of immune cells significantly affects the variation in EAA across six common blood epigenetic clocks."
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BUFFALO, NY- August 14, 2024 – A new editorial was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany NY)" and …
Lipid Accumulation Drives Cellular Senescence in Dopaminergic Neurons
08-13-2024"These findings align with our previous results in dopaminergic neurons in highlighting a central role for lipid accumulation in the senescence of DA neurons."
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BUFFALO, NY- August 13, 2024 – A new research perspective was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as …
mTORC1 in Classical Monocytes: Links to Human Size Variation & Neuropsychiatric Disease
08-07-2024"This report suggests that a simple assay may allow cost-effective prediction of medication response."
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BUFFALO, NY- August 7, 2024 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany NY)" and "Aging-US" by Web of Science), Volume 16, …
Targeted Cancer Therapy: Initial High Concentration May Slow Down Selection for Resistance
08-06-2024“Unfortunately, any targeted therapy is, always, started with low levels of the drug in the organism, selecting for drug resistance.”
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BUFFALO, NY- August 6, 2024 – On July 28, 2024, Mikhail V. Blagosklonny M.D., Ph.D., from Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center …
Association Between Osteoporosis and Telomere Shortening
08-05-2024“We sought to identify an association between osteoporosis and LTL shortening in an independent prospective cohort.”
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BUFFALO, NY- August 5, 2024 – A new research paper was published on the cover of Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany NY)" and "Aging-US" by …
Co-analysis of Methylation Platforms for Signatures of Biological Aging in the Domestic Dog
07-23-2024“In this study, we explore the potential of the three largest, publicly available DNA methylation datasets in dogs to identify signals of biological age.”
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BUFFALO, NY- July 23, 2024 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany …
Modulating Lung Fibroblast Activation via Senolysis of Senescent Human Alveolar Epithelial Cells
07-17-2024“Novel senomorphic and senolytic agents can be evaluated in this model as they are identified.”
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BUFFALO, NY- July 17, 2024 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany NY)" and "Aging-US" by Web of Science) Volume 16, Issue …
Roles of PEDF in Exercise-induced Suppression of Senescence and its Impact on Lung Pathology in Mice
07-15-2024“[...] the present results strongly suggest the potential of PEDF as a myokine linking exercise training to the suppression of senescence.”
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BUFFALO, NY- July 15, 2024 – A new research paper was published on the cover of Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany …
Aging Exacerbates Oxidative Stress and Liver Fibrosis in Animal Model of Down Syndrome
07-10-2024“[...] our results put the basis for the use of antioxidants supplementation in Down Syndrome patients to prevent liver-associated pathologies.”
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BUFFALO, NY- July 10, 2024 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany NY)" and …
Omics-based Insights Into Vision Decline
07-09-2024“These findings potentially support employing anti-aging therapies such as senolytic pharmacologic compounds to prevent or ameliorate progression to AMD [...]”
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BUFFALO, NY- July 9, 2024 – A new editorial paper was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging …
A New Concept Towards an Immune Response Against Cancer and Aging: Senescent Cell-derived Vaccines?
07-01-2024“[...] cancer immunotherapy based on tumor-associated senescent cells and other types of senescent cells may achieve exciting outcomes beyond cancer therapy.”
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BUFFALO, NY- July 1, 2024 – A new review paper was published on the cover of Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as …
Editorial: Global Consensus for Sarcopenia
06-26-2024“[...] the development of a global conceptual definition of sarcopenia signifies a new dawn for this muscle disease.”
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BUFFALO, NY- June 26, 2024 – A new editorial paper was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany NY)" and "Aging-US" by Web of …
Associations of Childhood, Adolescence, and Midlife Cognitive Function With Age Acceleration in Midlife
06-25-2024“[...] our study brings attention to the potential influence of adolescent crystalized intelligence on age-related DNAm at older age.”
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BUFFALO, NY- June 25, 2024 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany NY)" and "Aging-US" …
Dietary Sucrose Determines Activity of Lithium on Gene Expression and Lifespan in Drosophila Melanogaster
06-19-2024“[...] we found that, in female D. melanogaster, the life-prolonging effect of dietary lithium is dependent on the actual sucrose content of the medium.”
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BUFFALO, NY- June 19, 2024 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany …
Mitophagy and Cancer: BNIP3/BNIP3L’s Role in Stemness, ATP Production, Proliferation, and Cell Migration
06-17-2024“[...] our current work has provided a novel strategy to enrich for a sub-population of cancer cells, with high basal levels of mitophagy.”
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BUFFALO, NY- June 17, 2024 – A new research paper was published on the cover of Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany …
The Aging Brain and Peripheral Vascular Dysfunction
06-12-2024“[...] the associations between common non-invasive measures of cardiovascular health (e.g., blood pressure) and risk of dementia are not well-established.”
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BUFFALO, NY- June 12, 2024 – A new review paper was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany …
Aging Sponsors 2024 Ride for Roswell
06-11-2024Impact Journals (Aging's publisher) is sponsoring Team Open Access in the annual cycling event to end cancer: The Ride for Roswell. This fundraiser is hosted by Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center in Buffalo, New York.
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BUFFALO, NY- June 11, 2024 – The Ride for …
CCR4-NOT in Stress Resistance and Longevity in C. elegans
06-11-2024“[...] it appears that the CCR4-NOT complex can influence longevity in a multitude of manners [...]”
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BUFFALO, NY- June 11, 2024 – A new editorial paper was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany NY)" and "Aging-US" by Web of Science) Volume 16, …
Depression, Antidepressants, Epigenetic Age Acceleration, and Mortality in Postmenopausal Women
06-10-2024“The study examined the impact of depressive symptoms, antidepressant use, and epigenetic age acceleration on all-cause mortality in postmenopausal women.”
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BUFFALO, NY- June 10, 2024 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging …
Serine Racemase Expression in the Brain During Aging in Male and Female Rats
06-05-2024“The findings of the present study reveal that aging is linked to a decline in serine racemase protein levels across various brain regions [...]”
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BUFFALO, NY- June 5, 2024 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany NY)" and …
Proteomics Uncover Sexual Dimorphism and Immune Changes in Aging Werner Syndrome Mice
06-03-2024“Proteomics analysis at different ages allows us to follow the progressive biological alterations (including histological fat accumulation) in the liver according to age and/or the Wrn genotype.”
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BUFFALO, NY- June 3, 2024 – A new research paper was published on the cover …
Modulation of Senescence Features Using Weo Electrolyzed Water
05-22-2024“[...] Weo electrolyzed water could have a positive impact on longevity and age-related diseases.”
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BUFFALO, NY- May 22, 2024 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany NY)" and "Aging-US" by Web of Science) Volume 16, Issue 9…
Germicidal Lamps Using UV-C Radiation May Pose Health Safety Issues
05-21-2024“Despite the potential advantages of utilizing UV-C radiation for deactivating pathogens such as SARS-CoV-2, the prevailing conclusion remains that UV-C radiation poses concurrent risks to human health.”
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BUFFALO, NY- May 21, 2024 – A new research paper was published in Ag…
Aging Contributes to 2024 Systems Aging Gordon Research Conference
05-20-2024Aging is contributing at the 2024 Systems Aging Gordon Research Conference in Barcelona, Spain, from June 2–7.
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BUFFALO, NY- May 20, 2024 – Aging is a contributor at the 2024 Systems Aging Gordon Research Conference (GRC) on “Systems Modeling, Aging Biomarkers, and …
Age-associated Gene Expression Changes in Mouse Sweat Glands
05-14-2024“In this study, we first obtained evidence that, in mouse, aging primarily reduced the number of active sweat glands.”
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BUFFALO, NY- May 14, 2024 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany NY)" and "Aging-US" by Web of …
Aging at SSP 46th Annual Meeting
05-13-2024Aging is proud to participate at the Society for Scholarly Publishing (SSP) 46th Annual Meeting, which convenes May 29–31, 2024, in Boston, Massachusetts.
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BUFFALO, NY- May 13, 2024 – Impact Journals publishes scholarly journals in the biomedical sciences, with a focus on …
The Beginning of Becoming a Human: A Review
05-09-2024“Debates on when human life begins are rooted deep in philosophical history. However, until recently they have been limited by the state of technology.”
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BUFFALO, NY- May 9, 2024 – A new review paper was published in advance by Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging …
Association Between Neighborhood Deprivation and DNA Methylation in an Autopsy Cohort
05-08-2024“[...] our study identified one CpG site (cg26514961, PLXNC1 gene) that was significantly associated with neighborhood deprivation in brain tissue.”
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BUFFALO, NY- May 8, 2024 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany NY)" …
Association of Inflammatory and Metabolic Biomarkers and Accelerated Aging in Cardiac Catheterization Patients
05-07-2024“[...] this study is an initial examination of the associations between epigenetic and transcriptomic aging biomarkers and novel NMR lipoprotein biomarkers.”
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BUFFALO, NY- May 7, 2024 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging …
A Novel Deep Proteomic Approach Unveils Molecular Signatures Affected by Aging and Resistance Training
05-01-2024“Resistance training can reverse certain aspects of skeletal muscle aging.”
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BUFFALO, NY- May 1, 2024 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany NY)" and "Aging-US" by Web of Science) Volume 16, Issue 8, entitled, “A novel …
Cover Paper: Senescent Characteristics of Human Corneal Endothelial Cells Upon UV-A Exposure
04-30-2024“[...] these findings may help to advance our understanding of the pathogenesis of corneal endothelial disease and may lead to the discovery of new therapies targeting senescent cells.”
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BUFFALO, NY- April 30, 2024 – A new research paper was published on the cover of Aging…
Identifying Proteins Causally Related to COVID-19, Healthspan and Lifespan
04-24-2024“[...] we identified multiple proteins affecting COVID-19 and aging.”
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BUFFALO, NY- April 24, 2024 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany NY)" and "Aging-US" by Web of Science) Volume 16, Issue 7, entitled, “Using …
The Coupling Between Healthspan and Lifespan in Caenorhabditis Depends on…
04-23-2024“The ultimate goal of exploiting model organisms to screen for anti-aging interventions is to identify treatments that might translate to healthy lifespan extension in humans.”
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BUFFALO, NY- April 23, 2024 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed by …
Longevity & Aging Series: Season 2 Premiere Episode
04-22-2024The Longevity & Aging Series launched its second season with a premiere episode featuring Dr. Irina Conboy and Xiaoyue (Serafina) Mei from the University of California, Berkeley.
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BUFFALO, NY- April 22, 2024 – The Longevity & Aging Series is an enlightening and …
The Impact of Ketogenic Diets on Cognitive Behavior, Motor Function, and Blood Lipids
04-17-2024“[...] intermittent ketogenic diet (IKD) or ketogenic diet (KD) intervention did not improve measures of cognitive or motor behavior in TgF344-AD rats; however, both IKD and KD positively impacted circulating lipids.”
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BUFFALO, NY- April 17, 2024 – A new research paper …
Cover Paper: Evidence of a Pan-tissue Decline in Stemness During Human Aging
04-15-2024“[...] as far as we know, we are the first to provide evidence of [stem cell depletion in aging] in a pan-tissue manner.”
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BUFFALO, NY- April 15, 2024 – A new research paper was published on the cover of Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany NY)" and …
Geraniol Attenuates Oxidative Stress and Cognitive Impairment in Mouse Aging Model
04-10-2024“Our data demonstrated, for the first time, the antioxidant activity of geraniol and its function to attenuate brain hippocampus injury induced in vivo by D-galactose.”
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BUFFALO, NY- April 10, 2024 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as …
CMS121 Mitigates Aging-related Obesity and Metabolic Dysfunction
04-09-2024“[...] CMS121 applicability could be expanded from a geroneuroprotector drug to a metabolic drug [...]”
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BUFFALO, NY- April 9, 2024 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany NY)" and "Aging-US" by Web of Science) Volume 16, …
Does Methylene Blue or Mitoquinone Improve Skeletal Aging?
04-03-2024“[...] long-term administration of MB or MitoQ did not have an effect on skeletal morphology during the aging process [...]”
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BUFFALO, NY- April 3, 2024 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany NY)" and "Aging-US" by Web of …
Altered Brain Morphology and Functional Connectivity in Postmenopausal Women
04-01-2024“[...] our findings suggest that diminished brain volume and functional connectivity may be linked to menopause-related symptoms caused by the lower sex hormone levels.”
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BUFFALO, NY- April 1, 2024 – A new research paper was published on the cover of Aging (listed by …
Chlorogenic Acid Prevents Ovariectomized-induced Bone Loss
03-26-2024“[...] chlorogenic acid appears to be a promising candidate for the management of osteoporosis.”
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BUFFALO, NY- March 26, 2024 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany NY)" and "Aging-US" by Web of Science) Volume 16, Issue 5…
FoxO6-mediated ApoC3 Upregulation Promotes Hepatic Steatosis and Hyperlipidemia in HFD Aged Rats
03-20-2024“This discovery unveils a potential novel molecular target for therapeutic strategies against hepatic steatosis during the aging process [...]”
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BUFFALO, NY- March 20, 2024 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany NY)" and …
PR55α-controlled PP2A Inhibits p16 Expression and Blocks Cellular Senescence Induction
03-19-2024“Our results show that PR55α specifically reduces p16 expression [...]”
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BUFFALO, NY- March 19, 2024 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany NY)" and "Aging-US" by Web of Science) Volume 16, Issue 5, entitled, “PR55α-contro…
Age Prediction Models in the Human Brain: Genome-wide Transcriptome Profiling and Development
03-15-2024“Our approach identified genes that were previously implicated in aging, as well as new ones that may warrant further investigation.”
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BUFFALO, NY- March 15, 2024 – A new research paper was published on the cover of Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany NY)" …
Transcriptomic Modulation of Alzheimer’s Disease by Activated Protein C Using Single-Cell RNA-Seq
03-13-2024“We believe our study utilizing Single-Cell RNA sequencing will provide additional rationale towards the effects on APC treatment observed in previous studies on 5xFAD AD mice.”
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BUFFALO, NY- March 13, 2024 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed by …
Association of Prenatal Vitamins and Metals With Epigenetic Aging at Birth and in Childhood
03-12-2024“[...] our findings support the hypothesis that the intrauterine environment, particularly essential and non-essential metals, affect epigenetic aging biomarkers across the life course.”
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BUFFALO, NY- March 12, 2024 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed by …
Aging at AACR Annual Meeting 2024
03-11-2024Aging is proud to participate at the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Annual Meeting 2024, which convenes April 5-10 in San Diego, California.
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BUFFALO, NY- March 11, 2024 – Impact Journals publishes scholarly journals in the biomedical sciences with a …
A Longitudinal Study on Dasatinib, Quercetin, and Fisetin Senolytic Interventions
03-06-2024“[...] our findings underscore the imperative for additional markers to gauge the physiological impact of senolytic treatments [...]”
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BUFFALO, NY- March 6, 2024 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany NY)" and "Aging-US" …
A Call for Standardization of Controls in Lifespan Studies
03-05-2024“[...] we posit that the majority of results in biology of aging may be irrelevant to the fundamental aim of this field and must be acknowledged appropriately.”
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BUFFALO, NY- March 5, 2024 – A new research perspective was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as …
Mapping the Core Senescence Phenotype of Human Colon Fibroblasts
02-29-2024“[...] despite the impact of aging on colon health and colon cancer, an atlas of the SASP produced by colon fibroblasts has not been established.”
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BUFFALO, NY- February 29, 2024 – A new research paper was published on the cover of Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as …
Prognostic Model Development and Molecular Subtypes Identification in Bladder Urothelial Cancer
02-28-2024“Our study introduces an oxidative stress-based prognostic model for bladder cancer, offering insights into personalized therapy.”
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BUFFALO, NY- February 28, 2024 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany NY)" and "Aging-US" …
The Anti-aging Effect of Vitamin D and its Receptor in Drosophila Midgut
02-27-2024“Our study demonstrated that the VitD/VDR [vitamin D/vitamin D receptor] pathway is required for intestinal homeostasis during normal differentiation and aging.”
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BUFFALO, NY- February 27, 2024 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as …
Disruption of Mitochondrial Unfolded Protein Response Results in Shortening of Telomeres in Mouse Oocytes and Somatic Cells
02-21-2024“[...] our findings provide a preliminary understanding of how mitochondrial and telomeric aging mechanisms may interact to accelerate reproductive and somatic aging.”
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BUFFALO, NY- February 21, 2024 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed …
New Study: Defining the Progeria Phenome
02-20-2024“In sum, we have defined what a premature aging disease is and developed tools to allow diagnostics of patients and disease population.”
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BUFFALO, NY- February 20, 2024 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany NY)" and …
GV1001 Reduces Neurodegeneration and Prolongs Lifespan in Mouse Model of Alzheimer’s Disease
02-15-2024“[...] accelerated aging and Alzheimer’s disease are closely related, and this study confirmed that GV1001 has multiple anti-aging effects.”
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BUFFALO, NY- February 15, 2024 – A new research paper was published on the cover of Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging …
IL-17 Promotes IL-18 Production in Osteoarthritis Synovial Fibroblasts Via…
02-13-2024“This study provides novel insights into the pathogenesis of OA and suggests a potential therapeutic target in OA treatment.”
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BUFFALO, NY- February 13, 2024 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany NY)" and "Aging-US" by …
PROX1/α-SMA Correlated With Colorectal Cancer Progression, Poor Outcomes and Therapeutic Resistance
02-07-2024“The findings validate the combined PROX1/α-SMA gene set as a prospective prognostic biomarker and a central regulator in CRC progression and its TME.”
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BUFFALO, NY- February 7, 2024 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany …
Epigenetic Drift Underlies Epigenetic Clock Signals, but…
02-06-2024“In this study, we report an approach for spatially resolving genomic patterns of DNA methylation disorder [...]”
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BUFFALO, NY- February 6, 2024 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany NY)" and "Aging-US" by Web of …
Prognostic Significance of Senescence-related TME Genes in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma
01-31-2024“These findings provided evidence for the role of senescence in the tumor microenvironment [...]”
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BUFFALO, NY- January 31, 2024 – A new research paper was published on the cover of Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany NY)" and "Aging-US" by Web of Science) Vo…
XRCC1: A Potential Prognostic and Immunological Biomarker in Low-Grade Gliomas
01-30-2024“We conducted a comprehensive investigation into the potential of XRCC1 as a valuable diagnostic and prognostic indicator in diverse cancer types."
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BUFFALO, NY- January 30, 2024 – A new research paper was published inAging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany NY)" …
Targeting FSP1 Regulates Iron Homeostasis in Drug-tolerant Persister Head and Neck Cancer Cells
01-24-2024“Targeting FSP1 is suggested as a new approach in the paradigm shift of treating HNSCC.”
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BUFFALO, NY- January 24, 2024 – A new research paper was published inAging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany NY)" and "Aging-US" by Web of Science) Volume 16, Issue 1, …
Systematic Analysis of the Prognostic Value and Immunological Function of LTBR in Cancer
01-23-2024“[...] we identified LTBR as a potential target for cancer immunotherapy and a marker of immune infiltration and poor prognosis.”
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BUFFALO, NY- January 23, 2024 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany NY)" and "Aging-US" …
Aberrant RBMX Expression Relevant for Cancer Prognosis and Immunotherapy Response
01-17-2024“In the future, targeting of RBMX may be a novel method in cancer therapy.”
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BUFFALO, NY- January 17, 2024 – A new research paper was published inAging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany NY)" and "Aging-US" by Web of Science) Volume 16, Issue 1, entitled, “Aberran…
Effects of Resveratrol on Circadian Clock Gene Expression in Young and Older Human Cells
01-15-2024“This study reflects transdisciplinary efforts to link aging and circadian biology in human-derived tissues, which is an understudied area of biology.”
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BUFFALO, NY- January 15, 2024 – A new research paper was published on the cover of Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as …
Clonal Hematopoiesis and Its Impact on Aging, Cancer, and Patient Care
01-10-2024“Understanding the influence of prior treatments on CH [clonal hematopoiesis] dynamics is crucial for comprehending the intricate interplay between therapy, aging, and cancer.”
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BUFFALO, NY- January 10, 2024 – A new editorial paper was published in Aging (listed by …
Systemic Changes Induced by ASCOT in Plasma Proteome of Women With Impaired Ovarian Reserves
01-09-2024“Identifying plasma proteins that regenerate aged or damaged ovaries could lead to more effective, targeted and/or preventive therapies for patients.”
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BUFFALO, NY- January 9, 2024 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany …
Mapping the Gene Network That Regulates the Glycan Clock of Ageing
01-03-2024“[...] we were able to confirm the functional role of three genes (MANBA, TNFRSF13B and EEF1A1) in the IgG galactosylation pathway [...]”
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BUFFALO, NY- January 3, 2024 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany NY)" and …
Age-related Alterations in the Oscillatory Dynamics Serving Verbal Working Memory
01-02-2024“[...] we discuss the implications of these novel findings on our understanding of how healthy aging affects verbal working memory processing.”
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BUFFALO, NY- January 2, 2024 – A new research paper was published on the cover of Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging …
Angelica gigas Extract Inhibits Acetylation of eNOS in Vascular Dysfunction
12-27-2023“Angelica gigas Nakai (AG), a traditional medicinal herb, is garnering scientific attention for its potential in addressing a variety of health conditions.”
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BUFFALO, NY- December 27, 2023 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging …
Benidipine Calcium Channel Blocker Improves Cigarette Smoke-Induced Lung Emphysema
12-20-2023“[...] Benidipine [...] could constitute a new senolytic compound [...]”
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BUFFALO, NY- December 20, 2023 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany NY)" and "Aging-US" by Web of Science) Volume 15, Issue 23, entitled, “Benidi…
Sirtuin 6 Activation Rescues the Age-Related Decline in DNA Damage Repair in Chondrocytes
12-19-2023“[...] the biological mechanisms linking aging and osteoarthritis prevalence remain largely unknown.”
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BUFFALO, NY- December 19, 2023 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany NY)" and "Aging-US" by Web of Science) Volume …
A Unique Pathogenic Mechanism of SARS-CoV-2 Omicron Variant: Selective Induction of Cellular Senescence
12-15-2023“Our findings suggest that the omicron variant, in particular, leads to premature senescence in in vitro, ex vivo, and in lung tissue models.”
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BUFFALO, NY- December 15, 2023 – A new research paper was published on the cover of Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging …
Nectandrin B for Longevity: Nectandrin B (in Nutmeg) Significantly Increases Lifespan of Fruit Flies
12-13-2023“The extent of life extension achieved through this experimental study is the most effective achieved to date among other agents.”
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BUFFALO, NY- December 13, 2023 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany NY)" and "Aging-US" …
Tat-Heat Shock Protein 10 Ameliorates Age-Related Phenotypes in the Hippocampus
12-12-2023“Mitochondrial dysfunction is a major cellular change observed in the hippocampus during aging.”
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BUFFALO, NY- December 12, 2023 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany NY)" and "Aging-US" by Web of Science) Volume 15, …
Artificial Intelligence for Aging Research and Cancer Drug Development
12-06-2023“AI could enhance cancer care and lead to personalized treatment based on age, among other patient-specific characteristics.”
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BUFFALO, NY- December 6, 2023 – A new editorial paper was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany NY)" and "Aging-US" by …
Membrane Raft Redox Signaling Contributes to Visfatin-Induced Inflammation and Kidney Damage
12-05-2023“[...] the exact mechanism of how obesity increases the advancement of chronic kidney disease is still uncertain.”
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BUFFALO, NY- December 5, 2023 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany NY)" and "Aging-US" by Web of …
Aging Modulates Extracellular Vesicles of Epidermal Keratinocytes
11-30-2023“In this article, we describe for the first time the impact of chronological aging on EVs production by human keratinocytes."
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BUFFALO, NY- November 30, 2023 – A new research paper was published on the cover of Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany NY)" and …
Anti-Aging Effects of 1,5-Anhydro-D-Fructose on Brain Diseases via AMPK Activation
11-28-2023“Our results suggest that 1,5-AF has preventive effects on aging-associated brain diseases via the AMPK/PGC-1α/BDNF pathway [...]”
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BUFFALO, NY- November 28, 2023 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany NY)" and "Aging-US" …
Mitochondria-Targeting Antibiotics Extend Lifespan in C. Elegans
11-22-2023“Our ultimate goal is to find existing FDA-approved drugs and dietary supplements that can not only increase lifespan but also improve healthspan.”
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BUFFALO, NY- November 22, 2023 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany …
Parental Age Effect on the Longevity and Healthspan of Flies and Worms
11-21-2023“[...] little work [has been] published on the effect of parental age in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, a common model organism for aging studies.”
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BUFFALO, NY- November 21, 2023 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging …
Behavioral, Morphological and Transcriptomic Changes in a Tauopathy Mouse Model
11-15-2023“Here we used the PS19 (P301S) mouse model of tauopathies to characterize longitudinal changes in behavioral, morphological, and transcriptomic levels.”
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BUFFALO, NY- November 15, 2023 – A new research paper was published on the cover of Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as …
Alcohol Consumption and Epigenetic Age Acceleration Across Adulthood
11-14-2023“Our findings may help to understand the role of alcohol-associated biological aging in the development of age-related diseases such as CVD and cancer.”
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BUFFALO, NY- November 14, 2023 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging …
A New Connection Between The Gut Microbiota and Prostate Inflammation in Aging Men
11-08-2023“Creating a properly functioning intestinal microenvironment can significantly reduce the overall inflammation, which also affects the prostate.”
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BUFFALO, NY- November 8, 2023 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany NY)" …
Deciphering Reproductive Aging in Women Using a NOD/SCID Mouse Model
11-07-2023“The proposed NOD/SCID model, with its accelerated ovarian aging, holds particular value as it will enable the observation of ovarian changes within a shorter timeframe.”
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BUFFALO, NY- November 7, 2023 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed by …
Parkinson Disease and Normal Aging
11-01-2023“Our principal component analyses showed a significant relationship between centro-cingulate cholinergic afferent changes and age in our Parkinson disease subjects.”
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BUFFALO, NY- November 1, 2023 – A new research perspective was published in Aging (listed by …
Aging-Related Fibro-Inflammatory Signature in Mouse Ovaries
10-31-2023“Overall, our study provides novel insight into how reproductive aging impacts the murine ovarian proteome and ECM.”
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BUFFALO, NY- October 31, 2023 – A new priority research paper was published on the cover of Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany NY)" and …
Autophagy’s Role in DNA Loss and Survival of Diploid Yeast Cells During Chronological Aging
10-25-2023“In other words, cells live as long as their genome is restorable, and full DNA content is the limit of life.”
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BUFFALO, NY- October 25, 2023 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany NY)" and "Aging-US" by Web of Science) V…
Integrative Analysis Reveals Metabolic Switch in Aging Astrocytes
10-24-2023“We identified candidates for preclinical studies targeting energy metabolism to prevent age-associated cognitive decline.”
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BUFFALO, NY- October 24, 2023 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany NY)" and "Aging-US" by Web …
Reducing Double-strand DNA Break Repair Exacerbates Vascular Aging
10-18-2023“[...] this suggests a model where the accumulation of DNA damage with aging impairs vascular function ultimately resulting in [cardiovascular disease].”
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BUFFALO, NY- October 18, 2023 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging …
Senescence Program Modulated by BMAL1 via AP-1
10-16-2023“In this study, we discovered that senescence alters the amplitude and period of core circadian clock components, most notably BMAL1 [...]”
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BUFFALO, NY- October 16, 2023 – A new research paper was published on the cover of Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging …
Insights on Disparities in Dementia From the UK Biobank Study
10-11-2023“The present study is among few to examine racial/ethnic disparities in dementia risk and their related pathways [...]. It is the first to do so in a UK population.”
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BUFFALO, NY- October 11, 2023 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as …
B Cell Response After Influenza Vaccine in Young and Older Adults
10-10-2023“[...] our findings suggest that the age-related decrease in response following influenza vaccination could reflect functional alterations in activated B cells [...]”
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BUFFALO, NY- October 10, 2023 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed …
AI Model for Age-Related Disease Target Discovery
10-04-2023“In this work, we focused on the application of the established pipeline to the identification of the potential targets related to aging [...]”
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BUFFALO, NY- October 4, 2023 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany NY)" …
Genetic Profiles of Senescent Corneal and Conjunctival Epithelial Cells in Humans
10-02-2023“[...] our results from the RNA-Seq experiments show that senescent ocular surface cells, particularly SCj, have abnormal keratin expression patterns [...]”
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BUFFALO, NY- October 2, 2023 – A new priority research paper was published on the cover of Aging (listed by …
Opportunities to Improve Lung Cancer Care for Older Patients
09-27-2023“With the majority of lung cancer patients being older than 65, it is imperative that actions are taken to encourage and facilitate clinical trials among older patients.”
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BUFFALO, NY- September 27, 2023 – A new editorial paper was published in Aging (listed by …
Living Donor Liver Transplant Access is Optimal for High-risk Waitlisted Cirrhosis Patients
09-26-2023“Access to LDLT in a transplant program can optimize the timing of transplant for the increasingly older, frail patient population [...]”
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BUFFALO, NY- September 26, 2023 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany NY)" and …
DNA Damage-induced Senescence Model in Osteoarthritic Chondrocytes
09-20-2023“This etoposide-induced senescence model may help investigate the initiation of cellular senescence in chondrocytes [...]”
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BUFFALO, NY- September 20, 2023 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany NY)" and "Aging-US" by Web …
Development of a Noise Barometer for Measuring Epigenetic Pressure of Aging and Disease
09-18-2023“[...] we describe a conceptually different measurement (not a prediction) of persons’ biological age, which we term a noise barometer [...]”
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BUFFALO, NY- September 18, 2023 – A new priority research paper was published on the cover of Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as …
Contributions to White Matter Injury in Alzheimer’s Disease
09-12-2023“The molecular mechanisms that mediate enhanced dysfunction of white matter parenchymal arterioles when vascular dysfunction and ADNC coincide remain elusive.”
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BUFFALO, NY- September 12, 2023 – A new editorial paper was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as …
Copy Number Variation Implements Pregnancy as an Aging Model
09-06-2023“Such knowledge on physiological decline throughout pregnancy and the remarkable rejuvenation right after delivery will assist with revolutionizing our approach to treating the elderly.”
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BUFFALO, NY- September 6, 2023 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed …
Aging Alters Pancreatic Circadian Rhythm
09-05-2023“Overall, our study identified previously unknown circadian transcriptome reorganization of pancreas by aging [...]”
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BUFFALO, NY- September 5, 2023 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany NY)" and "Aging-US" by Web of …
Dectin-1 Stimulation Promotes Distinct Inflammatory Signature in HIV and Aging
08-31-2023“To our knowledge, our study is the first to evaluate the specific function of Dectin-1 in the setting of aging and HIV-infection.”
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BUFFALO, NY- August 31, 2023 – A new research paper was published on the cover of Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany NY)" …
Editorial: Epigenetic Aging in Oocytes
08-30-2023“In summary, our group demonstrates basic principles in the early aging of mammalian oocytes.”
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BUFFALO, NY- August 30, 2023 – A new editorial paper was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany NY)" and "Aging-US" by Web of Science) Volume 15, Issue …
Catheter Ablation in Very Old Patients With Nonvalvular Atrial Fibrillation
08-22-2023“To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to have demonstrated the preventive effect of AF ablation on long-term AF-related cardiovascular events in very old patients with NVAF.”
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BUFFALO, NY- August 22, 2023 – A new research paper was published in Aging …
Exploring the Relationship Between Klotho and Telomere Biology in High-Stress Caregivers
08-17-2023“As expected, mothers caring for a child with ASD reported significantly higher perceived stress [...] than mothers caring for a neurotypical child...”
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BUFFALO, NY- August 17, 2023 – A new research paper was published by Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany …
Aging and Ovariectomy Induces Parallel Phosphoproteomic Changes in Skeletal Muscle of Female Mice
08-15-2023“Our findings highlight key molecular signatures and pathways in contracted muscle [...] that may contribute to skeletal muscle strength loss due to estrogen deficiency.”
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BUFFALO, NY- August 15, 2023 – A new research paper was published on the cover of Aging (listed by …
A Novel Theory of Aging — Independent of Damage Accumulation
08-09-2023“We argue that in multicellular organisms, neighbouring cells are in constant competition.”
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BUFFALO, NY- August 9, 2023 – A new editorial paper was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany NY)" and "Aging-US" by Web of Science) Volume 15, Issue 14, …
Inhibiting NLRP3 Signaling in Aging Podocytes Improves Longevity
08-08-2023“Together, these results suggest a critical role for the NLRP3 inflammasome in podocyte and liver aging.”
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BUFFALO, NY- August 8, 2023 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany NY)" and "Aging-US" by Web of Science) Volume …
Towards Disease-Oriented Dosing of Rapamycin for Longevity
08-02-2023"To understand a sum of quasi-programs (aging), we need to study early-life hyperfunctions."
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BUFFALO, NY- August 2, 2023 – A new research perspective was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany NY)" and "Aging-US" by Web of Science) Volume 15, …
Human Senescent Fibroblasts Cause Lung Fibrosis in Mice
07-31-2023“These observations support that accumulation of senescent cells may contribute to fibrotic lung disease [...]”
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BUFFALO, NY- July 31, 2023 – A new research paper was published on the cover of Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany NY)" and "Aging-US" by Web of …
Predicting Lifespan-Extending Chemical Compounds for C. Elegans With Machine Learning
07-26-2023“We created datasets for predicting whether or not a compound extends the lifespan of C. elegans [...]”
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BUFFALO, NY- July 26, 2023 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany NY)" and "Aging-US" by Web of Science) Volume 15, …
MSK1’s Required Role in Cognitive Benefits from Enriched Experiences in Old Age
07-25-2023“We show that MSK1 retains its importance in converting positive experience into tangible synaptic and cognitive benefits well into old age [...]”
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BUFFALO, NY- July 25, 2023 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany NY)" …
Cognitive Rescue in Aging Through Prior Training
07-19-2023“Prior training shows profound benefits in cognitive aging [...]”
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BUFFALO, NY- July 19, 2023 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany NY)" and "Aging-US" by Web of Science) Volume 15, Issue 13, entitled, “Cognitive rescue …
BUB1 Regulates EGFR Signaling by Reducing EGFR Internalization
07-17-2023“We postulate that these observations may provide novel opportunities for therapeutic interventions for EGFR driven cancers.”
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BUFFALO, NY- July 17, 2023 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany NY)" and "Aging-US" by Web …
The Memtrax Continuous Recognition Test for Advanced Cognitive Impairment Screening
07-13-2023“[...] MemTrax quickly demonstrates and quantifies the pertinent memory dysfunction of Alzheimer’s disease.”
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BUFFALO, NY- July 13, 2023 – A new editorial paper was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany NY)" and "Aging-US" by Web of Science) Volume…
NEW STUDY: Discovery of Chemical Means to Reverse Aging and Restore Cellular Function
07-12-2023On July 12, 2023, a new priority research paper was published in Aging, titled, “Chemically induced reprogramming to reverse cellular aging.”
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BUFFALO, NY- July 12, 2023 – In a groundbreaking study, researchers have unlocked a new frontier in the fight against aging and …
Hepatic Hydrogen Sulfide Levels are Reduced in Mouse Model of Progeria
07-11-2023“To date, no studies have directly measured [hydrogen sulfide] production in Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria Syndrome [...]”
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BUFFALO, NY- July 11, 2023 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany NY)" and "Aging-US" by Web of …
A Novel Peptide ‘T14’ Reflects Age and Photo-Aging in Human Skin
07-05-2023“[...] the results suggest a possible novel approach [for] exploring skin disorders [...]”
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BUFFALO, NY- July 5, 2023 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany NY)" and "Aging-US" by Web of Science) Volume 15, Issue 12, …
Age Prediction From Human Blood Plasma Using Proteomic and Small RNA Data: A Comparative Analysis
06-30-2023“[...] we see our work as an indication that combining different molecular data types could be a general strategy to improve future aging clocks.”
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BUFFALO, NY- June 30, 2023 – A new research paper was published on the cover of Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging …
Senescence and Senotherapies in Biliary Atresia and Biliary Cirrhosis
06-28-2023“Our data provide the first integrative report about premature senescence in pediatric [biliary atresia] [...]”
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BUFFALO, NY- June 28, 2023 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany NY)" and "Aging-US" by Web of Science) Volu…
Methionine Restriction Reverses Old-age Obesity in Mice
06-27-2023“This is the first report that showed the efficacy of methionine restriction to reverse old-age-induced obesity.”
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BUFFALO, NY- June 27, 2023 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany NY)" and "Aging-US" by Web of Science) Vo…
Precious1GPT: Multimodal Transfer Learning for Aging Clock Development and Target Discovery
06-20-2023“The development of Precious1GPT [...] has demonstrated the potential of our approach in deciphering the molecular mechanisms of aging.”
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BUFFALO, NY- June 20, 2023 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany NY)" and …
Aging Sponsors 2023 Ride for Roswell
06-19-2023Aging's publisher, Impact Journals, is sponsoring Team Open Access in the annual cycling event to end cancer: The Ride for Roswell. This fundraiser is hosted by Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center in Buffalo, New York.
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BUFFALO, NY- June 19, 2023 – The Ride for …
Short Telomeres in Alveolar Type II Cells Associate With Lung Fibrosis in Post COVID-19 Patients With Cancer
06-15-2023“[...] here we reveal a link between short telomere length in ATII cells and post-viral lung fibrosis outcome in post-COVID-19 patients.”
BUFFALO, NY- June 15, 2023 – A new research paper was published on the cover of Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany NY)" and "Aging-US" by Web of Science) Volume 15, …
Cellular Senescence Involves Gene Repression Through p53-p16/RB-E2F-DREAM Complex
06-13-2023“Our study enables us to envisage a global picture of genes and pathways dysregulated during senescence and provides novel evidence for involvement of p53/p16/RB-E2F-DREAM repressional targets in this complex cellular process.”
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BUFFALO, NY- June 13, 2023 – A new research …
DNAmFitAge: Biological Age Indicator Incorporating Physical Fitness
06-07-2023“We expect DNAmFitAge will be a useful biomarker for quantifying fitness benefits at an epigenetic level and can be used to evaluate exercise-based interventions.”
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BUFFALO, NY- June 7, 2023 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging …
Stress Granules Control Alzheimer's Gene Transcripts and Neuronal Proteostasis
06-01-2023“Determining the mechanism underlying RNA sequestration in [stress granules] [...] could represent a key goal in the discovery and development of suitable [Alzheimer’s disease] biomarkers and therapies.”
BUFFALO, NY- June 1, 2023 – A new research paper was published on the cover of Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as …
External Factors Shape Genetic Predisposition to Lipids, Alzheimer’s and Heart Disease in MLXIPL Gene
05-24-2023“Recent findings suggest that neurodegenerative and cardiovascular diseases may have overlapping etiologies [...]”
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BUFFALO, NY- May 24, 2023 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany NY)" and "Aging-US" by Web of Science) Vo…
The Aging Mouse Prostate: Kinetics of Lymphocyte Infiltration
05-23-2023“This dataset presents the most comprehensive profiling of the aging adult mouse prostate immune profile to date.”
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BUFFALO, NY- May 23, 2023 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany NY)" and "Aging-US" by Web of Science) Vo…
Aging (Aging-US) at SSP 45th Annual Meeting
05-17-2023Impact Journals (Aging's publisher) is proud to participate at the Society for Scholarly Publishing (SSP) 45th Annual Meeting, which convenes May 31–June 2, 2023, in Portland, Oregon.
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BUFFALO, NY-May 17, 2023 – Impact Journals (Aging's publisher) will be participating as …
Musashi 1 in Breast Cancer: Implications for Dormancy and Survival in Bone Marrow
05-16-2023“This study now links Msi 1 to PD-L1.”
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BUFFALO, NY- May 16, 2023 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany NY)" and "Aging-US" by Web of Science) Volume 15, Issue 9, entitled, “Increased expression of musashi 1 on breast …
Effects of Zoledronic Acid on Senescence and SASP Markers
05-15-2023“In the present study, we used multiple complementary approaches to evaluate the possible effects of zoledronic acid on cellular senescence.”
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BUFFALO, NY- May 15, 2023 – A new research paper was published on the cover of Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany …
The Senescence-Associated Secretory Phenotype Induces Neuroendocrine Transdifferentiation
05-12-2023“We recently unveiled a new interesting role for SASP: its ability to induce neuroendocrine transdifferentiation (NED) in breast cancer epithelial cells [3].”
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BUFFALO, NY- May 12, 2023 – A new editorial paper was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging …
An Epigenetic Approach to Modulating Aging With Nutrition and Exercise
05-10-2023“In this review, we describe how aging impacts epigenetics and how nutrition and physical exercise can positively impact the aging process, from an epigenetic point of view.”
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BUFFALO, NY- May 10, 2023 – A new review paper was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed …
Single-Cell Transcriptomic Analysis Uncovers Diverse and Dynamic Senescent Cell Populations
05-09-2023“In summary, single-cell transcriptomic analysis has allowed us to identify the specific populations and the dynamic transition states during senescence initiation and progression.”
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BUFFALO, NY- May 9, 2023 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed by …
Dual-Purpose Therapeutic Targets for Aging and Glioblastoma Identified with PandaOmics
05-02-2023“[...] AI-powered algorithms, such as PandaOmics, may accelerate subsequent gene target discovery not only for GBM but for a broader range of age-associated diseases.”
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BUFFALO, NY- May 2, 2023 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as …
A Chronic Wound Model to Investigate Skin Cellular Senescence
05-01-2023“Here, we report a chronic wound healing model that can be used to decipher the paradoxical role of cellular senescence in acute versus chronic wound healing.”
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BUFFALO, NY- May 1, 2023 – A new research paper was published on the cover of Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed …
Effect of Deferoxamine and Ferrostatin-1 on Salivary Gland Dysfunction in Ovariectomized Rats
04-26-2023“[...] this study is expected to be helpful in [...] developing a treatment for postmenopausal dry mouth.”
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BUFFALO, NY- April 26, 2023 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany NY)" and "Aging-US" by Web of Science) Volume …
Characterization of the HDAC/PI3K Inhibitor CUDC-907 as a Novel Senolytic
04-25-2023“The mechanisms of induction of senescent cell death by CUDC-907 remain to be fully elucidated.”
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BUFFALO, NY- April 25, 2023 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany NY)" and "Aging-US" by Web of Science) Volume 15, Issue 7…
Serine Racemase Upregulation Improves Learning and Synaptic Function
04-19-2023“The results from this study support the beneficial effects of the D-serine pathway involvement in NMDAR-mediated transmission and cognitive function [...]”
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BUFFALO, NY- April 19, 2023 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging …
p21 Facilitates Chronic Lung Inflammation via Epithelial and Endothelial Cells
04-17-2023“Our results implicate p21 as a critical regulator of chronic bronchitis and a driver of chronic airway inflammation and lung destruction.”
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BUFFALO, NY- April 17, 2023 – A new research paper was published on the cover of Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany …
Selenium as a Predictor of Metabolic Syndrome in Middle Age Women
04-12-2023“Recently, optimizing selenium intake in the population to prevent diseases [...] has been an important issue in modern health care worldwide.”
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BUFFALO, NY- April 12, 2023 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany NY)" and …
Knockout of AMD-Associated Gene POLDIP2 Reduces Mitochondrial Superoxide in Retinal Cells
04-11-2023“To our knowledge, this is the first functional study of POLDIP2 in retinal cells to understand its potential role in AMD.”
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BUFFALO, NY- April 11, 2023 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany NY)" and "Aging-US" by Web of …
Aging at AACR Annual Meeting 2023
04-04-2023Impact Journals (Aging's publisher) is proud to participate at the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Annual Meeting 2023, which convenes April 14-19 in Orlando, Florida.
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BUFFALO, NY-April 4, 2023 – Impact Journals will be participating as an exhibitor at …
Diet/Lifestyle Program Reverses Biological Age: A Female Case Series
04-03-2023“[...] these data suggest that a methylation-supportive diet and lifestyle intervention may favorably influence biological age in both sexes during middle age and older.”
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BUFFALO, NY- April 3, 2023 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed …
Metformin & Leucine Prevent Cellular Senescence & Proteostasis Disruption
03-31-2023“Cellular senescence and disrupted proteostasis induced by myotube atrophy are prevented with low-dose metformin and leucine cocktail.”
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BUFFALO, NY- March 31, 2023 – A new research paper was published on the cover of Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany NY)" …
Senescence and Extracellular Vesicles: Novel Partners in Vascular Amyloidosis
03-29-2023“[...] there has been limited research to date on the effect of cellular ‘ageing’, termed senescence, on amyloidosis.”
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BUFFALO, NY- March 29, 2023 – A new editorial paper was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany NY)" and "Aging-US" by Web of …
Parsing Chronological and Biological Age Effects on Vaccine Responses
03-27-2023“Ultimately, while both chronological and biological age appear to be important determinants of vaccine-preventable outcomes in older adults, the underlying context and mechanisms of their effects remain unclear.”
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BUFFALO, NY- March 27, 2023 – A new editorial paper was …
Age-Related Methylation Changes in the Human Sperm Epigenome
03-21-2023“[...] we identified > 1,000 candidate genes with genome-wide significant age-related methylation changes in sperm.”
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BUFFALO, NY- March 21, 2023 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany NY)" and "Aging-US" by Web of …
Senescence-Associated Exosomes Transfer Fibrosis to Neighboring Cells
03-17-2023“This shows that SA-EXOs can serve as potent SASP mediators that activate invasive characteristics in neighboring cells.”
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BUFFALO, NY- March 17, 2023 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany NY)" and "Aging-US" by Web of …
AAV1.NT-3 Gene Therapy Prevents Age-Related Sarcopenia
03-15-2023“Considering the cost and quality of life to the individual, we believe our study has important implications for management of age-related sarcopenia.”
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BUFFALO, NY- March 15, 2023 – A new research paper was published on the cover of Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as …
Cognitive Aging and Dementia Prevention: The Time for Psychology?
03-10-2023“[...] there is a need to explore brain mechanisms through which psychological processes may exert their protective or deleterious effects.”
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BUFFALO, NY- March 10, 2023 – Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany NY)" and "Aging-US" by Web of Science) published a …
Isoform-Specific AMPK Repression Affects Cognitive Function in Aged Mice
03-07-2023“The study indicates that the aging process might have distinct impact on the signaling pathways associated with the AMPKα isoforms [...]”
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BUFFALO, NY- March 7, 2023 – Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany NY)" and "Aging-US" by Web of Science) published a …
Cellular Senescence: When Growth Stimulation Meets Cell Cycle Arrest
03-02-2023“Growth and aging are driven by overlapping signaling pathways.”
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BUFFALO, NY- March 2, 2023 – Aging (listed as "Aging (Albany NY)" by MEDLINE/PubMed and "Aging-US" by Web of Science) published a new review paper in Volume 15, Issue 4, entitled, “Cellular senescence: when …
Telomere Shortening Linked to Depression and Cognitive Impairment in Older Adults
02-28-2023“[...] we believe that our findings will help prevent and treat depression and cognitive impairment in the healthy elderly.”
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BUFFALO, NY- February 28, 2023 – A new research paper was published on the cover of Aging (listed as "Aging (Albany NY)" by Medline/PubMed and …
Metformin's Impact on Aging and Longevity Through DNA Methylation
02-22-2023“In this study, we compared genome-wide DNA methylation rates among metformin users and nonusers [...]”
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BUFFALO, NY- February 22, 2023 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed as "Aging (Albany NY)" by MEDLINE/PubMed and "Aging-US" by Web of Science) Volume …
Epigenetic Age and Lung Cancer Risk in the CLUE II Prospective Cohort Study
02-16-2023“In this nested case-control study on incident lung cancer, we observed no positive associations between lung cancer risk and epigenetic age acceleration [...]”
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BUFFALO, NY- February 16, 2023 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed as "Aging (Albany NY)" by …
Immune-Mediated Platelet Depletion Augments Alzheimer’s Disease in Mice
02-15-2023“Our study suggests that platelets might contribute to limiting amyloid plaque size and neuronal damage, having a beneficial role in AD [Alzheimer’s disease].”
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BUFFALO, NY- February 15, 2023 – A new research paper was published on the cover of Aging (listed as "Aging …
Body Weight Influences Musculoskeletal Adaptation to Running in Aging Mice
02-08-2023“[...] [voluntary wheel running] differentially alters bone parameters depending on body weight [...]”
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BUFFALO, NY- February 8, 2023 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed as "Aging (Albany NY)" by MEDLINE/PubMed and "Aging-US" by Web of Science) Volume …
Are Menopause, Aging and Prostate Cancer Diseases?
02-02-2023“Aging can be understood through the development of all quasi-programmed diseases.”
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BUFFALO, NY- February 2, 2023 – A new research perspective was published in Aging (listed as "Aging (Albany NY)" by MEDLINE/PubMed and "Aging-US" by Web of Science) Volume 15, Issue 2, …
Clearance of p16Ink4a+ Cells: Limited Effects on β-Cell Mass and Proliferation in Mice
01-31-2023“[...] we set out to explore the effects of removing p16Ink4a+ senescent cells on the proliferative capacity and mass of β-cells [...].”
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BUFFALO, NY- January 31, 2023 – A new research paper was published on the cover of Aging (listed as "Aging (Albany NY)" by …
The Innate Immune Signaling Component FBXC-58 Mediates Dietary Restriction Effects on Healthy Aging in Caenorhabditis elegans
01-25-2023“In this study, we found that DR prevents muscle aging via fbxc-58 in C. elegans.”
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BUFFALO, NY- January 25, 2023 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed as "Aging (Albany NY)" by MEDLINE/PubMed and "Aging-US" by Web of Science) Volume 15, Issue 1, entitled, …
Genetic Deficiency and Pharmacological Modulation of RORα Regulate Laser-Induced Choroidal Neovascularization
01-18-2023“In this study, we present findings for a protective role of RORα in a mouse laser-induced CNV model of neovascular AMD.”
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BUFFALO, NY- January 18, 2023 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed as "Aging (Albany NY)" by MEDLINE/PubMed and "Aging-US" by Web of …
Single-Cell Transcriptomics of Peripheral Blood in the Aging Mouse
01-16-2023“Here, we profiled 14588 single cells from the mouse blood and assessed the differences between young and old mice.”
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BUFFALO, NY- January 16, 2023 – A new research paper was published on the cover of Aging (listed as "Aging (Albany NY)" by Medline/PubMed and "Aging-US" …
Transcriptomic Analysis of Human ALS Skeletal Muscle Reveals Disease-Specific Pattern of Dysregulated circRNAs
01-12-2023“In this work, we have identified distinct patterns of circRNA expression in human ALS muscle tissue, many appearing to be disease-specific, that display expression gradients at different levels within the CNS.”
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BUFFALO, NY- January 12, 2023 – A new research paper was …
Epigenetic Aging Associated With Aberrant Neural Oscillatory Dynamics Serving Visuospatial Processing in People With HIV
01-05-2023“Thus, these findings are the first to identify the interaction between biological age and HIV status on neural oscillatory dynamics serving cognitive function, and more specifically, visuospatial processing.”
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BUFFALO, NY- January 5, 2023 – A new research paper was …
Associations of APOE ε2 and ε4 Alleles and Polygenic Profiles Comprising APOE-TOMM40-APOC1 Variants With Alzheimer’s Disease Biomarkers
01-03-2023“The thickness of the arrows denotes tighter (thick lines) and weaker (thin lines) links between genetic variants, AD biomarkers, and cognitive impairment.”
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BUFFALO, NY- January 3, 2023 – A new research paper was published on the cover of Aging (listed as "Aging (Albany …
Aging | DNA Methylation-Based Measures of Biological Aging and Cognitive Decline Over 16-years: Preliminary Longitudinal Findings in Midlife
12-29-2022“This is the first report to explore changes over time in several of the latest DNAm biological aging measures [...]”
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BUFFALO, NY- December 29, 2022 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed as "Aging (Albany NY)" by MEDLINE/PubMed and "Aging-US" by Web of …
Aging | White Matter Hyperintensity Load Associated With Premature Brain Aging
12-22-2022“Our results support previous work suggesting there is a relationship between chronological age and WMH [white matter hyperintensities] volume, and chronological age and estimated brain age.”
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BUFFALO, NY- December 22, 2022 – A new research paper was published in Aging …
Aging | DNA Methylation GrimAge Version 2
12-21-2022“[...] GrimAge2 complements existing clinical biomarkers when evaluating an individual’s aging rate.”
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BUFFALO, NY- December 21, 2022 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed as "Aging (Albany NY)" by MEDLINE/PubMed and "Aging-US" by Web of Science) Volume …
Aging | Single Nuclei Profiling Identifies Cell Specific Markers of Skeletal Muscle Aging, Frailty, and Senescence
12-15-2022“Our study provides several insights into human skeletal muscle aging.”
BUFFALO, NY- December 15, 2022 – A new research paper was published on the cover of Aging (listed as "Aging (Albany NY)" by Medline/PubMed and "Aging-US" by Web of Science) Volume 14, Issue 23, entitled, “Single nuclei profiling identifies cell …
Aging | Organotypic Cultures as Aging Associated Disease Models
12-14-2022“[...] many aging researchers may be unaware of recent progress in organotypic models [...]”
BUFFALO, NY- December 14, 2022 – A new review was published in Aging (listed as "Aging (Albany NY)" by MEDLINE/PubMed and "Aging-US" by Web of Science) Volume 14, Issue 22, entitled, “Organotypic cultures as aging associated …
Aging | The Potential Benefit of Metformin to Reduce Delirium Risk and Mortality: A Retrospective Cohort Study
12-07-2022“In this report, we showed the potential benefit of metformin in decreasing the risk of delirium and mortality in DM [diabetes mellitus] subjects.”
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BUFFALO, NY- December 7, 2022 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed as "Aging (Albany NY)" by …
Aging | Glutaminase Inhibitors Rejuvenate Human Skin via Clearance of Senescent Cells: A Study Using a Mouse/Human Chimeric Model
11-30-2022“Therefore, senescent cell eliminators for aging skin cells may be an effective option for treating skin aging.”
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BUFFALO, NY- November 30, 2022 – A new research paper was published on the cover of Aging (listed as "Aging (Albany NY)" by Medline/PubMed and "Aging-US" by …
Aging | Krill Oil Protects Dopaminergic Neurons From Age-Related Degeneration Through Temporal Transcriptome Rewiring and Suppression of Several Hallmarks of Aging
11-22-2022“Thus, krill oil supplementation might serve as a possible approach for healthy brain aging interventions.”
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BUFFALO, NY- November 22, 2022 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed as "Aging (Albany NY)" by MEDLINE/PubMed and "Aging-US" by Web of Science) Volu…
Aging | The Deubiquitylase USP7 is a Novel Cyclin F-Interacting Protein and Regulates Cyclin F Protein Stability
11-21-2022“This study highlights a potential role for the cyclin F-USP7 axis in pathological conditions, including cancer and neurodegenerative diseases.”
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BUFFALO, NY- November 21, 2022 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed as "Aging (Albany NY)" by MEDLINE/PubMed …
Aging | IGF1 Gene Therapy in Middle-Aged Female Rats Delays Reproductive Senescence Through Effects on Hypothalamic GnRH and Kisspeptin Neurons
11-15-2022“Based on our findings, we propose IGF1 gene therapy to delay reproductive senescence as a potential strategy to optimize lifespan and combat age-related health problems in women.”
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BUFFALO, NY- November 15, 2022 – A new research paper was published on the cover of Aging …
Aging | Age-Associated Changes in Microglia Activation and Sirtuin-1- Chromatin Binding Patterns
11-10-2022“This work suggests that preservation of microglia and Sirt1 binding activity and patterns, as well as the directionality of pathways regulated by Sirt1, are prognostic of long-living.”
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BUFFALO, NY- November 10, 2022 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed …
Aging | Lamin A to Z in Normal Aging
11-09-2022“It has long been debated to what extent the mechanisms of aging and progeria overlap.”
BUFFALO, NY- November 9, 2022 – A new research perspective was published in Aging (listed as "Aging (Albany NY)" by MEDLINE/PubMed and "Aging-US" by Web of Science) Volume 14, Issue 20, entitled, “Lamin A to Z in normal aging.”
Aging’s Scientific Integrity Process
11-08-2022The open-access journal Aging recently launched a new webpage showcasing the full Aging Scientific Integrity Process.
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BUFFALO, NY-November 8, 2022 – Scientific integrity is a crucial component of scholarly publishing for any credible journal. Peer-reviewed, open-access …
Aging | Rapamycin Treatment Early in Life Reprograms Aging: Hyperfunction Theory and Clinical Practice
11-03-2022“In conclusion, the rate of aging can be decelerated by using rapamycin during the early developmental growth phase. This has important theoretical significance but cannot be implemented in humans.”
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BUFFALO, NY- November 3, 2022 – A new research perspective was published …
Aging | Downregulation of Senescence-Associated Secretory Phenotype by Knockdown of Secreted Frizzled-Related Protein 4 Contributes to Prevention of Skin Aging
10-31-2022“Overall, this research could potentially aid in the development of anti-aging treatments for skin by preventing age-related changes through the regulation of SFRP4 expression in aging cells.”
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BUFFALO, NY- October 31, 2022 – A new research paper was published on the …
Aging | RNA Modifications in Aging-Associated Cardiovascular Diseases
10-25-2022“This review attempted to consolidate different aspects of RNA modifications that are crucial in regulating aging-associated CVDs.”
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BUFFALO, NY- October 26, 2022 – A new review paper was published in Aging (listed as "Aging (Albany NY)" by MEDLINE/PubMed and "Aging-US" …
Aging | Centenarians Consistently Present Younger Epigenetic Age Than Their Chronological Age With Four Epigenetic Clocks Based on Small Number of CpG Sites
10-17-2022“To our knowledge, this is the first time that DNAmage was investigated in such a large cohort of centenarians and of long-lived individuals’ offspring using epigenetic clocks based on a small number of CpG sites [30–32].”
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BUFFALO, NY- October 17, 2022 – A new research …
Aging | Psychological Factors Substantially Contribute to Biological Aging: Evidence From the Aging Rate in Chinese Older Adults
10-03-2022“We used the aging clock to demonstrate the connection between the physical and psychological aspects of aging”
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BUFFALO, NY- October 3, 2022 – A new research paper was published on the cover of Aging (listed as "Aging (Albany NY)" by Medline/PubMed and "Aging-US" by Web …
Aging | Probiotics Treatment for Parkinson Disease: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Clinical Trials
09-27-2022“The present study provides evidence for the prescription of probiotics for PwP [people with Parkinson’s disease], especially for their GI symptoms.”
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BUFFALO, NY- September 27, 2022 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed as “Aging (Albany NY)” by …
Aging | Aging, Prevalence and Risk Factors of MRI-visible Enlarged Perivascular Spaces
09-22-2022“Severe ePVS prevalence increased with age in men and women [...]”
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BUFFALO, NY- September 22, 2022 – A new research paper was published in Aging (listed as "Aging (Albany NY)" by Medline/PubMed and "Aging-US" by Web of Science) Volume 14, Issue 17, entitled, “Aging, …
Aging | Extracellular microRNA and Cognitive Function in a Prospective Cohort of Older Men: The Veterans Affairs Normative Aging Study
09-15-2022"As the U.S. population ages, there is growing concern about the loss of mental acuity associated with aging.”
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BUFFALO, NY- September 15, 2022 – A new research paper was published on the cover of Aging (listed as "Aging (Albany NY)" by Medline/PubMed and "Aging-US" by …
Aging | Systemic Lipolysis Promotes Physiological Fitness in Drosophila Melanogaster
09-06-2022A new research paper was published in Aging Volume 14, Issue 16, entitled, “Systemic lipolysis promotes physiological fitness in Drosophila melanogaster.”
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BUFFALO, NY- September 6, 2022 – A new research paper was published in Aging ("Aging (Albany NY)" by Medline/PubMed, …
Aging | Synergism of BCL-2 Family Inhibitors Facilitates Selective Elimination of Senescent Cells
09-01-2022A new research paper was published in Aging's Volume 14, Issue 16, entitled, “Synergism of BCL-2 family inhibitors facilitates selective elimination of senescent cells.”
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BUFFALO, NY- September 1, 2022 – A new research paper was published in Aging ("Aging (Albany NY)" by …
Aging | New Research: Volume 14, Issue 15
08-15-2022BUFFALO, NY- August 15, 2022 – Aging (abbreviated as "Aging (Albany NY)" by Medline/PubMed and "Aging-US" by Web of Science) published a new issue of the latest research on aging in Volume 14, Issue 15. Publication titles, in addition to the associated researchers, are listed below.
Cover (Research Paper): Profiles of …
Aging | Common Electrocardiogram Measures Are Not Associated With Telomere Length
08-10-2022“Despite a known age-dependence of the ECG measures, we found no effect of telomere length beyond the influence of calendar age.”
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BUFFALO, NY- August 10, 2022 – A new research paper was published in Aging ("Aging (Albany NY)" by Medline/PubMed, "Aging-US" by Web of …
Aging | Aging the Brain: Multi-region Methylation Principal Component Based Clock in the Context of Alzheimer’s Disease
08-01-2022“PCBrainAge may aid in future investigations linking heterogeneity in the aging process to AD [Alzheimer’s disease] risk and individual resilience.”
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BUFFALO, NY- August 1, 2022 – A new research paper was published in Aging (abbreviated as "Aging (Albany NY)" by …
Aging | Age-related Neuroendocrine, Cognitive, and Behavioral Co-morbidities Promoted by HIV-1 Tat Expression in Male Mice
07-28-2022“The current work provides potentially actionable information that could help to limit premature or accentuated aging in the context of HIV.”
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BUFFALO, NY- July 28, 2022 – A new research paper was published in Aging (Aging-US / Albany NY)’s Volume 14, Issue 13, entitled, …
Aging | Epigenetic Clocks and Their Association with Perceived Discrimination and Depressive Symptoms
07-18-2022“To our knowledge, our study is among a few to systematically examine perceived discrimination in relation to epigenetic aging.”
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BUFFALO, NY- July 18, 2022 – A new research paper was published in Aging (Aging-US / Albany NY) on the cover of Volume 14, Issue 13, entitled, …
Aging-US | Time Makes Histone H3 Modifications Drift in Mouse Liver
06-30-2022“The comparison of different age profiles of histone H3 marks revealed global redistribution of histone H3 modifications with time […]”
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BUFFALO, NY- June 30, 2022 – A new research paper was published in Aging (Aging-US) on the cover of Volume 14, Issue 12, entitled, “Time…
Aging's Latest Impact Factor (2021)
06-29-2022Aging is pleased to report that our 2021 impact factor is 5.955.
BUFFALO, NY- June 29, 2022 – Aging is indexed by Web of Science: Science Citation Index Expanded (abbreviated as Aging‑US). As of June 29, 2022, Web of Science (Clarivate Analytics) released their 2021 JCR Impact Factor List. Aging is pleased to report …
Aging (Aging-US) and FOXO Present: The Longevity & Aging Series
06-22-2022Listen to an audio version of this press release
BUFFALO, NY- June 22, 2022 – Aging (Aging-US) and FOXO Technologies have teamed up to present a special collaboration on aging research with a new limited series: the Longevity & Aging Series. This series of video interviews invites Aging researchers to speak with …
Aging (Aging-US) Sponsors 2022 NAD + Metabolism and Signaling Conference
06-21-2022Listen to an audio version of this press release
BUFFALO, NY- June 21, 2022 – Aging (Aging-US) is proud to sponsor this year’s NAD + Metabolism and Signaling Conference (#NBCSRC22). This science research conference will take place from June 26 to June 30, 2022, in Steamboat Springs, Colorado, United States.
A coenzyme …
Aging-US | WRNing for the Right DNA Repair Pathway Choice
06-16-2022Listen to an audio version of this press release
BUFFALO, NY- June 16, 2022 – A new editorial paper was published in Aging (Aging-US) Volume 14, Issue 11, entitled, “WRNing for the right DNA repair pathway choice.”
Premature aging diseases, also called ‘progeroid syndrome’, display signs and features of normal aging in …
Aging-US | DDIT4 Identified as Candidate Target of HDAC4-Associated Skin Aging
06-15-2022Listen to an audio version of this press release
BUFFALO, NY- June 15, 2022 – A new research paper was published in Aging (Aging-US) on the cover of Volume 14, Issue 11, entitled, “Histone deacetylase 4 reverses cellular senescence via DDIT4 in dermal fibroblasts.”
Researchers—from Seoul National University, Seoul …
Aging-US | Impact Journals Sponsors 2022 Ride for Roswell
06-14-2022Impact Journals is sponsoring Team Open Access in the annual cycling event to end cancer: The Ride for Roswell. This fundraiser is hosted by Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center in Buffalo, New York.
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BUFFALO, NY- June 14, 2022 – The Ride for Roswell is one of the …
Aging-US | A Novel Discovery in Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD)
05-31-2022Listen to an audio version of this press release
BUFFALO, NY- May 31, 2022 – A new research paper was published in Aging (Aging-US) on the cover of Volume 14, Issue 10, entitled, “Effect of Humanin G (HNG) on inflammation in age-related macular degeneration (AMD).”
Inflammatory processes drive the progression of …
Aging (Aging-US) Sponsors Systems Aging Gordon Research Conference
05-24-2022BUFFALO, NY- May 24, 2022 – Aging (Aging-US) is sponsoring the Systems Aging Gordon Research Conference, “Systemic Processes, Omics Approaches and Biomarkers in Aging,” from May 29 to June 3, 2022, at the Grand Summit Hotel at Sunday River in Newry, Maine, USA.
This year, the Chair and Vice Chair of the conference are …
Aging-US: Hallmarks of Cancer and Hallmarks of Aging
05-18-2022BUFFALO, NY- May 18, 2022 – Dr. Mikhail Blagosklonny published his new review paper in Aging (Aging-US) Volume 14, Issue 9, entitled, “Hallmarks of cancer and hallmarks of aging.”
In this review, Dr. Blagosklonny expands on Gems and de Magalhães' notion that canonic hallmarks of aging are superficial imitations of the …
Aging-US: New Insights on Skin Aging Gleaned From Naked Mole-Rats
05-17-2022BUFFALO, NY- May 17, 2022 – A new research paper was published on the cover of Aging (Aging-US) Volume 14, Issue 9, entitled, “Single-cell transcriptomics reveals age-resistant maintenance of cell identities, stem cell compartments and differentiation trajectories in long-lived naked mole-rats skin.”
Researchers who …
Impact Journals to Present Scientific Integrity Process at 2022 SSP Annual Meeting
05-16-2022BUFFALO, NY-May 16, 2022 – Impact Journals (based out of Buffalo, New York) is an international open-access publisher of journals in the field of biomedical sciences. Impact Journals is on a mission to provide scientists with the opportunity to share exceptional discoveries, offer services that enable rapid …
Altos Labs and the Quest for Immortality: Dr. Blagosklonny’s Perspective
05-11-2022BUFFALO, NY- May 11, 2022 – A new research perspective was published in Oncoscience journal by Mikhail Blagosklonny, M.D., Ph.D., entitled, "Altos Labs and the quest for immortality: but can we live longer right now?”
“Here I discuss how combining rapamycin with other …
Impact Journals at AACR Annual Meeting 2022
03-28-2022Impact Journals publishes scholarly journals in biomedical sciences with a focus on all areas of cancer and aging research. Impact Journals will be participating as an exhibitor at the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) 2022 annual meeting from April 8-13, 2022, in New Orleans, Louisiana. This year, the AACR conference is entitled, “Decoding Cancer Complexity | Integrating Science | Transforming Patient Outcomes.”
Aging-US: DNA methylation-based measures of biological age
01-03-2022Aging-US published "DNA methylation-based measures of biological age: meta-analysis predicting time to death" which reported that estimates of biological age based on DNA methylation patterns, often referred to as "epigenetic age", "DNAm age", have been shown to be robust biomarkers of age in humans.
These authors …
Aging-US: Epigenetic age of the pre-frontal cortex
01-03-2022Aging-US published "Epigenetic age of the pre-frontal cortex is associated with neuritic plaques, amyloid load, and Alzheimer’s disease related cognitive functioning" which reported that there is an urgent need to develop molecular biomarkers of brain age in order to advance our understanding of age related …
Aging-US: Mitochondrial homeostasis in C. elegans model of human tauopathy
12-20-2021Aging-US published "Alteration of mitochondrial homeostasis is an early event in a C. elegans model of human tauopathy" which reported however, whether mitochondrial dysfunction occurs prior to the detection of tau aggregates in tauopathies remains elusive.
Here, the authors utilized transgenic nematodes expressing …
Aging-US: UBB+1 reduces amyloid-β cytotoxicity by activation of autophagy
12-20-2021Aging-US published "UBB+1 reduces amyloid-β cytotoxicity by activation of autophagy in yeast" which reported that in their previous study, these authors found that yeast cells expressing UBB 1 at lower level display an increased resistance to cellular stresses under conditions of chronological aging.
In order to …
Aging-US: Early elevation of BACE1 in dementia
12-20-2021Aging-US published "Early elevation of BACE1 in dementia" which reported that interest in the role of Beta-secretase1 in Alzheimer’s disease pathogenesis and patho- physiology has been remarkably growing in the last 10 years.
This transmembrane aspartyl protease catalyzes the rate-limiting step of the sequential …
Aging-US: Rejuvant® conferred an average 8 year reduction in biological aging
12-20-2021Aging-US published "Rejuvant®, a potential life-extending compound formulation with alpha-ketoglutarate and vitamins, conferred an average 8 year reduction in biological aging, after an average of 7 months of use, in the TruAge DNA methylation test" which reported that a retrospective analysis of DNA methylation age …
Aging-US: Effects of estradiol on biological age measured using the glycan age index
11-01-2021Aging-US published "Effects of estradiol on biological age measured using the glycan age index" which reported that glycan age is a recently developed biomarker based on glycans attached to immunoglobulin G.
In large population cohorts, glycan age associates well with lifestyle and disease-risk biomarkers, while some …
Aging-US: The key for anti-aging: calorie intake vs food quantity
10-25-2021Aging-US published "Calorie intake rather than food quantity consumed is the key factor for the anti-aging effect of calorie restriction" which reported that although calorie restriction has been reported to extend lifespan in several organisms, animals subjected to calorie restriction consume not only fewer calories …
Aging-US: Alleviating vascular dysfunction & amyloid burden in Alzheimer’s
10-25-2021Aging-US published "Hyperbaric oxygen therapy alleviates vascular dysfunction and amyloid burden in an Alzheimer’s disease mouse model and in elderly patients" which reported that In the current study, the authors exposed 5XFAD mice, a well-studied AD model that presents impaired cognitive abilities, to HBOT and then …
Aging-US: Deductive reasoning & principles of particle physics applied to aging research
10-25-2021Aging-US published "Applying deductive reasoning and the principles of particle physics to aging research" which reported that aging research currently lacks a common conceptual framework, and one challenge in establishing it is the fact that aging is a highly complex process.
To help develop a framework of standard …
Aging-US: Helicobacter pylori infection and risk for developing dementia
10-25-2021Aging-US published "Helicobacter pylori infection and risk for developing dementia: an evidence-based meta-analysis of case-control and cohort studies" which reported that infection with multiple pathogens may play a key role in the pathogenesis of dementia.
Whether Helicobacter pylori infection is associated …
Aging-US: Proliferation, migration, & invasion of pathways: gallbladder cancer
10-25-2021Aging-US published "Melatonin inhibits proliferation, migration, and invasion by inducing ROS-mediated apoptosis via suppression of the PI3K/Akt/mTOR signaling pathway in gallbladder cancer cells" which reported that melatonin is an indolic compound mainly secreted by the pineal gland and plays a vital role in the …
Aging-US: A systemic multidisciplinary approach to study aging in sled dogs
10-25-2021Aging-US published "Development of infrastructure for a systemic multidisciplinary approach to study aging in retired sled dogs" which reported that canines represent a valuable model for mammalian aging studies as large animals with short lifespans, allowing longitudinal analyses within a reasonable time frame.
Aging-US: Iron: an underrated factor in aging
10-25-2021Aging-US published "Iron: an underrated factor in aging" which reported that iron is an essential element for virtually all living organisms, but its reactivity also makes it potentially harmful. Blocking iron absorption through drugs or natural products extends lifespan.
Dr. Dennis Mangan from MTOR LLC in …
Aging-US: Cerebrovascular abnormalities in Alzheimer’s disease: adrenergic approach
10-25-2021Aging-US published "Involvement of cerebrovascular abnormalities in the pathogenesis and progression of Alzheimer’s disease: an adrenergic approach" which reported that alzheimer’s disease, as the most common neurodegenerative disease in elder population, is pathologically characterized by β-amyloid plaques, …
Aging-US: Green tea catechins enhance fitness and lifespan of Caenorhabditis elegans
10-25-2021Aging-US published "Green tea catechins EGCG and ECG enhance the fitness and lifespan of Caenorhabditis elegans by complex I inhibition" which reported that green tea catechins are associated with a delay in aging. The authors have designed the current study to investigate the impact and to unveil the target of the …
Aging-US: The role of age at menarche and age at menopause in Alzheimer’s disease
09-21-2021Aging-US published "The role of age at menarche and age at menopause in Alzheimer’s disease: evidence from a bidirectional mendelian randomization study" which reported that the association between endogenous estrogen exposure and Alzheimer’s disease remains inconclusive in previous observational studies, and few …
Aging-US: Senescence-associated hyper-activation to inflammatory stimuli in vitro
09-21-2021Aging-US published "Senescence-associated hyper-activation to inflammatory stimuli in vitro" which reported that aging is associated with an increased susceptibility to adverse inflammatory conditions such as sepsis and cytokine storm.
To test this hypothesis, the authors examined the expression of various …
Aging-US: N6-methyladenosine and its clinical relevance in cognitive dysfunctions
09-21-2021Aging-US published "N6-methyladenosine (m6A) modification and its clinical relevance in cognitive dysfunctions" which reported that the authors systematically investigated the molecular alterations of m6A regulators and their clinical relevance with cognitive dysfunctions using published datasets of Alzheimer's …
Aging-US: Neurodegeneration in subjective cognitive decline
09-21-2021Aging-US published "The interplay between gray matter and white matter neurodegeneration in subjective cognitive decline" which reported that subjective cognitive complaints were assessed through 9 questions covering amnestic and non-amnestic cognitive domains. In these author’s cohort, 123 individuals endorsed from …
Aging-US: Protein processing impairment in Parkinson’s disease
09-21-2021Aging-US published "Proteomic characterization of secretory granules in dopaminergic neurons indicates chromogranin/secretogranin-mediated protein processing impairment in Parkinson’s disease" which reported that the number of SGs in tyrosine hydroxylase-positive neurons and the marker proteins secretogranin III …
Aging-US: Reduced uremic metabolites are prominent feature of sarcopenia
09-21-2021Aging-US published "Reduced uremic metabolites are prominent feature of sarcopenia, distinct from antioxidative markers for frailty" which reported that due to global aging, frailty and sarcopenia are increasing.
Sarcopenia is defined as loss of volume and strength of skeletal muscle in elderlies, while frailty …
Aging-US: Cellular senescence in lymphoid organs and immunosenescence
09-21-2021Aging-US published "Cellular senescence in lymphoid organs and immunosenescence" which reported that immunosenescence is a multi-faceted phenomenon at the root of age-associated immune dysfunction.
Though both cellular senescence and immunosenescence have been studied extensively and implicated in various …
Aging-US: Pineal gland associated with rapid eye movement sleep behavior disorder
09-08-2021Aging-US published a Special Collection on Eye Disease which included "Pineal gland volume is associated with prevalent and incident isolated rapid eye movement sleep behavior disorder" which reported that pineal gland volume may be associated with the risk of isolated rapid eye movement (REM) sleep behavior disorder …
Aging-US: Exosomes attenuate ischemic retinal injury in vitro and in vivo
09-08-2021Aging-US published a Special Collection on Eye Disease which included "Exosomes derived from BDNF-expressing 293T attenuate ischemic retinal injury in vitro and in vivo" which reported that this study investigated whether exosomes derived from BDNF-expressing 293T cells can be internalized by ischemic retinal cells …
Aging-US: An immune subtype of uveal melanoma with a poor prognosis
09-08-2021Aging-US published a Special Collection on Eye Disease which included "Immunological analyses reveal an immune subtype of uveal melanoma with a poor prognosis" which reported that uveal melanoma is an aggressive intraocular malignancy that often exhibits low immunogenicity.
Metastatic uveal Melanoma samples …
Aging-US: Loss of macroH2A1 decreases mitochondrial metabolism and reduces the aggressiveness of uveal melanoma cells
09-08-2021Aging-US published a Special Collection on Eye Disease which included "Loss of macroH2A1 decreases mitochondrial metabolism and reduces the aggressiveness of uveal melanoma cells" which reported that uveal melanoma (UM) is the most common primary intraocular tumour in adults.
Most accurate prognostic factor of UM is …
Aging-US: Prognostic signature in uveal melanoma to guide clinical therapy
09-08-2021Aging-US published a Special Collection on Eye Disease which included "Development and validation of an immune and stromal prognostic signature in uveal melanoma to guide clinical therapy" which reported that the tumor microenvironment is known to play an important role in uveal melanoma.
Reliable prognostic …
Aging-US: Demethylation of FOXM1 mRNA promotes progression of uveal melanoma
09-08-2021Aging-US published a Special Collection on Eye Disease which included "ALKBH5-mediated m6A demethylation of FOXM1 mRNA promotes progression of uveal melanoma" which reported that ALKBH5, a key component of the N6-methyladenosine (m6A) methyltransferase complex, was significantly elevated in uveal melanoma cell lines …
Aging-US: Involvement of adiponectin in age-related increases in tear production
09-08-2021Aging-US published a Special Collection on Eye Disease which included "Involvement of adiponectin in age-related increases in tear production in mice" which reported that the infiltration of lymphocytes into the lacrimal glands occurs with age, and age-related increases in tear production have also been observed in …
Aging-US: Retinal pigment epithelial cells – implication in subretinal immune privilege
09-08-2021Aging-US published a Special Collection on Eye Disease which included "The expression of C1 inhibitor (C1INH) in macrophages is upregulated by retinal pigment epithelial cells – implication in subretinal immune privilege in the aging eye" which reported that this study aimed to understand how complement expression in …
Aging-US: Preventing age-related chronic inflammation and retinal cell loss
09-08-2021Aging-US published a Special Collection on Eye Disease which included "Long-term intake of Lactobacillus paracasei KW3110 prevents age-related chronic inflammation and retinal cell loss in physiologically aged mice" which reported that age-related chronic inflammation is a major risk factor for the incidence and …
Aging-US: Mitochondrial dysfunction and the effects of resveratrol in zebrafish
09-08-2021Aging-US published a Special Collection on Eye Disease which included "Exploration of age-related mitochondrial dysfunction and the anti-aging effects of resveratrol in zebrafish retina" which reported that resveratrol was shown to not only increase mitochondrial quality and function, but also to suppress Akt/mTOR …
Aging-US: ALDH2 protects naturally aged mouse retina
09-08-2021Aging-US published a Special Collection on Eye Disease which included "ALDH2 protects naturally aged mouse retina via inhibiting oxidative stress-related apoptosis and enhancing unfolded protein response in endoplasmic reticulum" which reported that during the process of aging, the retina exhibits chronic oxidative …
Aging-US: 181 reported CHST6 variants in patients with macular corneal dystrophy
09-08-2021Aging-US published a Special Collection on Eye Disease which included "A comprehensive evaluation of 181 reported CHST6 variants in patients with macular corneal dystrophy" which reported that macular corneal dystrophy is an autosomal recessive disease featured by bilateral progressive stromal clouding and loss of …
Aging-US: RPE cell senescence in age-related macular degeneration
09-08-2021Aging-US published a Special Collection on Eye Disease which included "HMGB1 and Caveolin-1 related to RPE cell senescence in age-related macular degeneration" and reported that AMD is a major unmet medical need as it is estimated that more than 20 million patients will be affected by 2050 in the US alone.
STGD is …
Aging-US: Administration of the di-apocarotenoid norbixin is neuroprotective
09-08-2021Aging-US published a Special Collection on Eye Disease which included "Systemic administration of the di-apocarotenoid norbixin (BIO201) is neuroprotective, preserves photoreceptor function and inhibits A2E and lipofuscin accumulation in animal models of age-related macular degeneration and Stargardt disease" which …
Aging-US: Suppressing endoplasmic reticulum stress-related autophagy
09-08-2021Aging-US published a Special Collection on Eye Disease which included "Suppressing endoplasmic reticulum stress-related autophagy attenuates retinal light injury" which reported that in this study, oxidative stress, endoplasmic reticulum stress and autophagy caused by light exposure were evaluated in vitro and in …
Aging-US: miR-106b suppresses pathological retinal angiogenesis
09-08-2021Aging-US published a Special Collection on Eye Disease which included "miR-106b suppresses pathological retinal angiogenesis" which reported that microRNAs are small non-coding RNAs that post-transcriptionally regulate gene expression.
Here, the authors show that expression of the miR-106b-25 cluster is negatively …
Aging-US: Abnormalities of saccadic eye movements in dementia due to Alzheimer’s
09-08-2021Aging-US published a Special Collection on Eye Disease which included "Abnormalities of saccadic eye movements in dementia due to Alzheimer’s disease and mild cognitive impairment" which reported that there is increasing evidence that people in the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease have subtle impairments in …
Aging-US: Loss of NAMPT in aging retinal pigment epithelium
09-08-2021Aging-US published a Special Collection on Eye Disease which included "Loss of NAMPT in aging retinal pigment epithelium reduces NAD+ availability and promotes cellular senescence" which reported that retinal pigment epithelium performs numerous functions critical to retinal health and visual function.
Here, the …
Aging-US: p62/SQSTM1 coding plasmid prevents age related macular degeneration
09-08-2021Aging-US published a Special Collection on Eye Disease which included "p62 /SQSTM1 coding plasmid prevents age related macular degeneration in a rat model" which reported that P62/SQSTM1, a multi-domain protein that regulates inflammation, apoptosis, and autophagy, has been linked to age-related pathologies.
In …
Aging-US: Nutraceutical effects of Emblica officinalis
09-08-2021Aging-US published a Special Collection on Eye Disease which included "Nutraceutical effects of Emblica officinalis in age-related macular degeneration" which reported that EO has been used extensively as a nutraceutical in several diseases since it is known to boost immunity and offers numerous health benefits such …
Aging-US: Senescent secretory phenotype acquisition on retinal epithelial stem cells
09-08-2021Aging-US published a Special Collection on Eye Disease which included "Effects of senescent secretory phenotype acquisition on human retinal pigment epithelial stem cells" which reported that loss of retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) cells occurs early in AMD, and their transplant has the potential to slow disease …
Aging-US: PU-91 drug rescues human age-related macular degeneration cells
09-08-2021Aging-US published a Special Collection on Eye Disease which included "PU-91 drug rescues human age-related macular degeneration RPE cells; implications for AMD therapeutics" which reported that the PU-91 drug upregulates PGC-1α which is a critical regulator of mitochondrial biogenesis.
Since mitochondrial …
Aging-US: Role of Citicoline in an in vitro AMD model
09-08-2021Aging-US published a Special Collection on Eye Disease which included "Role of Citicoline in an in vitro AMD model" which reported that citicoline is the exogenous form of the nootropic, Cytidine 5'-diphosphate-choline that exerts its neuroprotective effects in the brain as well as in the eye.
Citicoline alleviates …
Aging-US: Age-related changes in eye lens biomechanics
09-08-2021Aging-US published a Special Collection on Eye Disease which included "Age-related changes in eye lens biomechanics, morphology, refractive index and transparency" which reported that life-long eye lens function requires an appropriate gradient refractive index, biomechanical integrity and transparency.
The authors …
Aging-US: Activation of C-reactive protein proinflammatory phenotype in the blood retinal barrier in vitro: implications for age-related macular degeneration
09-08-2021Aging-US published a Special Collection on Eye Disease which included "Activation of C-reactive protein proinflammatory phenotype in the blood retinal barrier in vitro: implications for age-related macular degeneration" which reported that the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) is considered one of the main targets of …
Aging’s Latest Impact Factor
08-22-2021BUFFALO, NY-August 20, 2021 – Aging is indexed by Web of Science: Science Citation Index Expanded (abbreviated as Aging‑US). In June 2021, Web of Science (Clarivate Analytics) released their 2020 JCR Impact Factor. Aging is pleased to report that our 2020 impact factor is 5.682. This number has increased from last …
Aging-US: A model of the aged lung epithelium in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
08-09-2021Aging-US published "A model of the aged lung epithelium in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis" which reported that Iiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is an age-related disorder that carries a universally poor prognosis. By exposing mouse alveolar epithelial cells to repeated, low doses of bleomycin, instead of usual …
Aging-US: Dietary supplementation with green tea catechins and cocoa flavanols
08-09-2021Aging-US published "Beneficial effects of dietary supplementation with green tea catechins and cocoa flavanols on aging-related regressive changes in the mouse neuromuscular system" which reported that green tea extract (GTE) and cocoa-supplemented diets significantly improved survival rate of mice. GTE increased …
Aging-US: Acid ceramidase promotes senescent cell survival
08-09-2021Aging-US published “Acid ceramidase promotes senescent cell survival” which reported that the authors identified acid ceramidase (ASAH1), a lysosomal enzyme that cleaves ceramide into sphingosine and fatty acid, as being highly elevated in senescent cells.
This increase in ASAH1 levels in senescence is associated …
Aging-US: Prognostic prediction of patients with lung adenocarcinoma
07-25-2021Aging-US published "A novel ferroptosis-related gene signature for prognostic prediction of patients with lung adenocarcinoma" which reported that RNA-seq transcriptome data of LUAD patients were obtained from The Cancer Genome Atlas database.
Kaplan–Meier survival and receiver operating characteristic curves were …
Aging-US: PTEN nuclear translocation enhances neuronal injury after hypoxia-ischemia
07-25-2021Aging-US published "PTEN nuclear translocation enhances neuronal injury after hypoxia-ischemia via modulation of the nuclear factor-κB signaling pathway" which reported that this study was designed to investigate phosphatase and tensin homolog nuclear translocation and its possible role in rat cortical neuronal …
Aging-US: Hub candidate network for hepatocellular carcinoma
07-25-2021Aging-US published "Identification of RNA binding protein interacting with circular RNA and hub candidate network for hepatocellular carcinoma" which reported that 17 DERBPs, which were commonly dysregulated in HCC from The Clinical Proteomic Tumor Analysis Consortium, The Cancer Genome Atlas and International Cancer …
Aging-US: MiR-513b-5p represses autophagy by targeting PIK3R3
07-25-2021Aging-US published "MiR-513b-5p represses autophagy during the malignant progression of hepatocellular carcinoma by targeting PIK3R3" which reported MiR-513b-5p repressed liver cancer cell proliferation, migration/invasion, and induced apoptosis in vitro.
Crucially, miR-513b-5p attenuated tumor growth of liver cancer …
Aging-US: Spatiotemporal dynamics of γH2AX after acute irradiation
07-25-2021Aging-US published "Spatiotemporal dynamics of γH2AX in the mouse brain after acute irradiation at different postnatal days with special reference to the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus" which reported that, radiosensitivity of the different brain cells, including neurons, glial cells, cells in cerebrovascular …
Aging-US: Modulating cancer cell responses during drug-induced senescence
07-25-2021Aging-US published "The lack of functional DNMT2/TRDMT1 gene modulates cancer cell responses during drug-induced senescence" which reported that cellular senescence may be a side effect of chemotherapy and other anti-cancer treatments that may promote inflammation and paracrine secondary senescence in healthy tissues.
Aging-US: miRNAs generated from Meg3-Mirg locus are downregulated during aging
07-25-2021Aging-US published "miRNAs generated from Meg3-Mirg locus are downregulated during aging" which reported that Aging determines a multilevel functional decline and increases the risk for cardiovascular pathologies.
The heart is one of the most affected organs in aged individuals, however little is known about the …
Aging-US: Multidomain interventions: a randomized controlled feasibility trial
07-25-2021Aging-US published "Facility-based and home-based multidomain interventions including cognitive training, exercise, diet, vascular risk management, and motivation for older adults: a randomized controlled feasibility trial" which reported that in an outcome assessor-blinded, randomized controlled trial, participants …
Aging-US: Responses of neurons, astrocytes, & microglia to G-quadruplex stabilization
07-25-2021Aging-US published "Differential responses of neurons, astrocytes, and microglia to G-quadruplex stabilization" which reported that while it is now firmly established that stabilized G4s lead to enhanced genomic instability in cancer cells, whether and how G4s contribute to genomic instability in brain cells is still …
Aging-US: Cognition and action: Executive functions to motor control in older adults
07-25-2021Aging-US published "Cognition and action: a latent variable approach to study contributions of executive functions to motor control in older adults" which reported that Aging is associated with profound alterations in motor control that may be exacerbated by age-related executive functioning decline.
However, …
Aging-US: Inducing apoptosis and enhancing cytoprotective autophagy in colon cancer
07-25-2021Aging-US published "Antrodia salmonea induces apoptosis and enhances cytoprotective autophagy in colon cancer cells" which reported that 3- -2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide assay revealed that AS showed a remarkable effect on cell viability in colon cancer cells; SW620, HCT116, and HT29. Annexin V/propidium iodide …
Aging-US: Identification of a novel potential biomarker for hepatocellular carcinoma
07-25-2021Aging-US published "Comprehensive analysis of the competing endogenous circRNA-lncRNA-miRNA-mRNA network and identification of a novel potential biomarker for hepatocellular carcinoma" which reported that there is still a lack of comprehensive analysis of the circular RNA -long non-coding RNA -miRNA-mRNA ceRNA …
Aging-US: Calycosin inhibits breast cancer cell migration and invasion
07-25-2021Aging-US published "Calycosin inhibits breast cancer cell migration and invasion by suppressing EMT via BATF/TGF-β1" which reported that in this study, the authors investigated the effects of calycosin on breast cancer cell progression and their underlying mechanisms. Calycosin dose- and time-dependently inhibited …
Aging-US: Biomarkers of biochemical recurrence in prostate adenocarcinoma
07-25-2021Aging-US published "Identification of microenvironment related potential biomarkers of biochemical recurrence at 3 years after prostatectomy in prostate adenocarcinoma" which reported that the authors aimed to identify the potential prognostic genes in the prostate adenocarcinoma microenvironment and to estimate the …
Aging-US: HMGA1 promotes gastric cancer growth and metastasis
07-25-2021Aging-US published "HMGA1 promotes gastric cancer growth and metastasis by transactivating SUZ12 and CCDC43 expression" which reported that HMGA1 is overexpressed in GC cells and the high expression of HMGA1 was correlated with worse survival in GC patients using a bioinformatics assay.
Functionally, HMGA1 affected …
Aging-US: PirB functions as an intrinsic suppressor in hippocampal neural stem cells
07-25-2021Aging-US published "PirB functions as an intrinsic suppressor in hippocampal neural stem cells" which reported that neural stem cells play pivotal roles during prenatal development and throughout life.
PirB expression increased with age during development, and its deficiency promoted neural stem cell proliferation …
Aging-US: High-calorie diet before calorie restriction on skeletal muscles
07-25-2021Aging-US published "A novel ferroptosis-related gene signature for prognostic prediction of patients with lung adenocarcinoma" which reported that RNA-seq transcriptome data of LUAD patients were obtained from The Cancer Genome Atlas database.
Kaplan–Meier survival and receiver operating characteristic curves were …
Aging: Cdkn1a transcript Variant 2 is a Marker of Aging and Cellular Senescence
06-01-2021Aging published "Cdkn1a transcript variant 2 is a marker of aging and cellular senescence" which reported that cellular senescence is a cell fate response characterized by a permanent cell cycle arrest driven primarily the by cell cycle inhibitor and tumor suppressor proteins p16Ink4a and p21Cip1/Waf1. In mice, the …
Three years younger in just eight weeks? A new study suggests yes!
05-27-2021A groundbreaking clinical trial shows we can reduce biological age (as measured by the Horvath 2013 DNAmAge clock) by more than three years in only eight weeks with diet and lifestyle through balancing DNA methylation.
A first-of-its-kind, peer-reviewed study provides scientific evidence that lifestyle and diet …
Aging: Clinical Trial on Potential reversal of Epigenetic Age using a Diet and Lifestyle
05-27-2021Aging published "Potential reversal of epigenetic age using a diet and lifestyle intervention: a pilot randomized clinical trial" which reported on a randomized controlled clinical trial conducted among 43 healthy adult males between the ages of 50-72. The 8-week treatment program included diet, sleep, exercise and …
Aging: anti-miRs against miR-142-3p reduces angiogenesis and microglia activation
05-24-2021Aging recently published "Intravitreal injection of anti-miRs against miR-142-3p reduces angiogenesis and microglia activation in a mouse model of laser- induced choroidal neovascularization" which reported that MiR-142-3p was overexpressed in murine CNV lesions and its pharmacological inhibition decreased vascular …
Aging-US: Aging phenotype of MDPL syndrome associated with impaired DNA repair capacity
03-15-2021Aging-US published "Functional analysis of POLD1 p.ser605del variant: the aging phenotype of MDPL syndrome is associated with an impaired DNA repair capacity" which reported that Mandibular hypoplasia, Deafness and Progeroid features with concomitant Lipodystrophy define a rare systemic disorder, named MDPL Syndrome, …
Aging-US: Adiposity & Muscle Function: a community-based cross-sectional study
03-15-2021Aging-US published "Impact of adiposity on muscle function and clinical events among elders with dynapenia, presarcopenia and sarcopenia: a community-based cross-sectional study" which reported that low muscle function determined unfavorable clinical outcome than low muscle mass; nevertheless, comparison of …
Aging-US: Aging and rejuvenation - a modular epigenome model
03-15-2021Aging-US published "Aging and rejuvenation - a modular epigenome model" which reported that the view of aging has evolved in parallel with the advances in biomedical sciences.
Long considered as an irreversible process where interventions were only aimed at slowing down its progression, breakthrough discoveries like …
Aging-US: High-CBD Cannabis sativa extracts modulate ACE2 expression in COVID-19
02-17-2021Aging-US published "In search of preventive strategies: novel high-CBD Cannabis sativa extracts modulate ACE2 expression in COVID-19 gateway tissues" which reported that Cannabis sativa, especially those high in the anti-inflammatory cannabinoid cannabidiol, has been found to alter gene expression and inflammation …
Aging-US: Hyperbaric oxygen therapy impact on telomere length & immunosenescence
02-17-2021Here is a link to a free Altmetric Report on this Research Output
Aging-US published "Hyperbaric oxygen therapy increases telomere length and decreases immunosenescence in isolated blood cells: a prospective trial" which reported that the aim of the current study was to evaluate whether hyperbaric oxygen therapy …
Aging-US: Why does COVID-19 disproportionately affect older people?
02-17-2021Here is a link to a free Altmetric Report on this Research Output
Aging-US published "Why does COVID-19 disproportionately affect older people?" which reported that the severity and outcome of …
Aging-US: DNA- and telomere-damage does not limit lifespan: evidence from rapamycin
02-17-2021Aging-US published "DNA- and telomere-damage does not limit lifespan: evidence from rapamycin" which reported that failure of rapamycin to extend lifespan in DNA repair mutant and telomerase-knockout mice, while extending lifespan in normal mice, indicates that neither DNA damage nor telomere shortening limits normal …
Aging-US: Screening Alzheimer’s disease by facial complexion using artificial intelligence
02-02-2021Aging-US published "Screening of Alzheimer’s disease by facial complexion using artificial intelligence" which reported that despite the increasing incidence and high morbidity associated with dementia, a simple, non-invasive, and inexpensive method of screening for dementia is yet to be discovered.
This study aimed …
Aging-US: Anserine protected against cognitive decline
02-02-2021Aging-US published "Anserine, HClO-scavenger, protected against cognitive decline in individuals with mild cognitive impairment" which reported that In this study, the authors aimed to evaluate the effects of anserine, a scavenger of HClO, on the protection of cognitive declines in persons with MCI.
Fifty-eight …
Aging-US: A pro-diabetogenic mtDNA polymorphism in mitochondrial-derived peptide
02-02-2021Aging-US published "A pro-diabetogenic mtDNA polymorphism in the mitochondrial-derived peptide, MOTS-c" which reported that although ethnic specific mtDNA polymorphisms have been shown to contribute to T2D risk, the functional effects of the mtDNA polymorphisms and the therapeutic potential of mitochondrial-derived …
Aging-US: Sulforaphane promotes C. elegans longevity and healthspan
02-02-2021Aging-US published "Sulforaphane promotes C. elegans longevity and healthspan via DAF- 16/DAF-2 insulin/IGF-1 signaling" which reported that the broccoli-derived isothiocyanate sulforaphane inhibits inflammation, oxidative stress and cancer, but its effect on healthspan and longevity are unclear.
The authors used the …
Aging-US: PAM (PIK3/AKT/mTOR) signaling in glia: potential contributions to brain tumors
01-19-2021Aging-US Issue 1 Volume 13 features "PAM (PIK3/AKT/mTOR) signaling in glia: potential contributions to brain tumors in aging" which reported that despite a growing proportion of aged individuals at risk for developing cancer in the brain, the prognosis for these conditions remains abnormally poor due to limited …
Aging-US: Nicotinamide mononucleotide in degenerative model of retinal detachment
01-19-2021Aging-US published "Neuroprotective effects and mechanisms of action of nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) in a photoreceptor degenerative model of retinal detachment" which reported that here, the authors investigated nicotinamide mononucleotide, a precursor of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, in a retinal …
Aging-US: Growth factor beta type 1 and hypoxia-inducible factor 1 transcription complex
12-15-2020Aging-US recently published "Transforming growth factor beta type 1 (TGF-β) and hypoxia-inducible factor 1 (HIF-1) transcription complex as master regulators of the immunosuppressive protein galectin-9 expression in human cancer and embryonic cells" which reported that for the first time that in human cancer as well …
Aging-US: The prognostic significance of MMP14 and PKM2 in patients with pancreatic cancer
11-16-2020Aging-US recently published "Identification of genomic alterations and associated transcriptomic profiling reveal the prognostic significance of MMP14 and PKM2 in patients with pancreatic cancer" which reported that Integrated analysis of The Cancer Genome Atlas datasets revealed that KRAS mutation, TP53 mutation and …
Aging-US: Knockdown of TXNDC9 induces apoptosis and autophagy in glioma
11-13-2020Aging-US recently published "Knockdown of TXNDC9 induces apoptosis and autophagy in glioma and mediates cell differentiation by p53 activation" which reported that no research associated with TXNDC9 has been reported in glioma.
In this study, the found that TXNDC9 was upregulated in glioma.
Knockdown of TXNDC9 would …
Aging-US: Alzheimer’s disease as a systems network disorder
11-13-2020Aging-US recently published "Alzheimer’s disease as a systems network disorder: chronic stress/dyshomeostasis, innate immunity, and genetics" which reported that ineffective results of clinical trials of over 200 anti-Alzheimer's drug candidates, with a 99.6% attrition rate, suggest that the current paradigm of …
Aging-US: MiR-520d-5p modulates chondrogenesis and chondrocyte metabolism through targeting HDAC1
11-10-2020Aging-US recently published "MiR-520d-5p modulates chondrogenesis and chondrocyte metabolism through targeting HDAC1" which reported that this study aimed to determine miRNAs associated with chondrogenesis of human mesenchymal stem cells and chondrocyte metabolism.
MiRNAs were screened in hMSCs during chondrogenesis …
Aging-US: Characterization of LncRNA SNHG22 as a protector of NKIRAS2
11-10-2020Aging-US recently published "Characterization of LncRNA SNHG22 as a protector of NKIRAS2 through miR-4492 binding in osteosarcoma\” which reported that the underlying mechanism of SNHG22 in regulating OS progression remains unknown.
In this study, the authors confirmed that SNHG22 was downregulated in OS, and the …
Aging-US: GPA peptide inhibits NLRP3 inflammasome activation to ameliorate colitis
11-10-2020Aging-US recently published "GPA peptide inhibits NLRP3 inflammasome activation to ameliorate colitis through AMPK pathway" which reported that pyroptosis and NLRP3 inflammasome are associated with various kinds of inflammatory diseases including colitis.
In vivo, the authors found GPA peptide could exert …
Aging-US: Lipopolysaccharide upregulates miR-132/212 in Hirschsprung-associated enterocolitis
11-10-2020Aging-US recently published "Lipopolysaccharide upregulates miR-132/212 in Hirschsprung-associated enterocolitis, facilitating pyroptosis by activating NLRP3 inflammasome via targeting Sirtuin 1 (SIRT1)" which reported that MiR-132 and miR-212 were up-regulated in HAEC dilated tissues and LPS-treated mice enteritis …
Aging-US: Psychological aging, depression, and well-being
11-10-2020Aging-US recently published "Psychological aging, depression, and well-being" which reported that Aging is a multifactorial process, which affects the human body on every level and results in both biological and psychological changes.
These factors can be used for a future development of individual psychological …
Aging-US: From causes of aging to death from COVID-19
10-05-2020Aging-US recently published "From Causes of Aging to Death from COVID-19" by Blagosklonny et al. which reported that COVID-19 is not deadly early in life, but mortality increases exponentially with age - which is the strongest predictor of mortality.
The Review covers:
- Age
- Age-related diseases
- Male Gender
- Mortality from …
Aging-US: SIRT6 mono-ADP ribosylates KDM2A to locally increase H3K36me2
06-29-2020The cover for issue 12 of Aging-US features "SIRT6 mono-ADP ribosylates KDM2A to locally increase H3K36me2 at DNA damage sites to inhibit transcription and promote repair" by Rezazadeh et al. and reported that when transcribed DNA is damaged, the transcription and DNA repair machinery must interact to ensure …
Aging-US: COVID-19 and chronological aging: anti-aging drugs for treatment or prevention
04-20-2020Volume 12, Issue 8 of @AgingJrnl reported that similarly, two proposed therapeutics for the treatment of COVID-19 infection are Azithromycin and Quercetin, both drugs with significant senolytic activity.
Therefore, the authors wish to speculate that the fight against COVID-19 disease should involve testing the …
Scientist proposes clinical trials w/ low-dose rapamycin to protect elderly from COVID-19
Friday, 3rd of April, 2020, London, UK - The Biogerontology Research Foundation, a registered UK charity supporting and promoting aging and longevity research worldwide since 2008, today announced the publication of a paper titled “Geroprotective and senoremediative strategies to reduce the comorbidity, infection …
Female adipose tissue has improved adaptability and metabolic health compared to males in aged obesity
02-13-2020Aging-US Volume 12, Issue 2 reported that Younger females are protected from adipose inflammation, but older post-menopausal females exhibit exaggerated visceral adiposity correlated with increased disease risk.
Obesity accelerates the onset and progression of age-associated diseases, but it is unclear if aging and …
Resveratrol targets PD-L1 glycosylation and dimerization to enhance antitumor T-cell immunity
02-13-2020RSV was also predicted to interact with the inner surface of PD-L1 involved in the interaction with PD-1, almost perfectly occupying the target space of the …
Pharmacological inhibition of G9a/GLP restores cognition and reduces oxidative stress, neuroinflammation and β-Amyloid plaques in an early-onset Alzheimer’s disease mouse model
02-13-2020UNC0642, a specific and potent inhibitor of methyltransferase activity G9a/GLP complex, was evaluated in the 5XFAD mouse model.
UNC0642 …
Deep biomarkers of aging and longevity: from research to applications
12-03-2019Deep biomarkers of aging and longevity: from research to applications
The deep age predictors can help advance aging research by establishing causal relationships in nonlinear systems.
Deep aging clocks can be used for identification of novel therapeutic targets, evaluating the efficacy of various interventions, data …
Age-associated changes in human CD4+ T cells point to mitochondrial dysfunction consequent to impaired autophagy
11-18-2019Though mitochondrial number in both naive and memory cells visualized with electron microcopy was similar in older versus younger participants, there were a significantly higher number of …
Mesenchymal stem cell senescence alleviates their intrinsic and seno-suppressive paracrine properties contributing to osteoarthritis development
11-05-2019The cover features Figure 4 "SAMP8 mice display a spontaneous OA phenotype" from Malaise
The research team tests whether by becoming senescent, the mesenchymal stromal/stem cells, found in the synovial tissue and sub-chondral bone marrow, can contribute to OA development.
When co-cultured with OA chondrocytes, …
Rapamycin for longevity- opinion article
10-14-2019The scientist discusses several reasons, including fear of the actual and fictional side effects of rapamycin, everolimus and other clinically-approved drugs, arguing that no real side effects preclude their use as anti-aging drugs today.
They go on to discuss why it is more dangerous not to use anti-aging drugs than …
Subunit contribution to NMDA receptor hypofunction and redox sensitivity of hippocampal synaptic transmission during aging
10-06-2019The researchers examined the contribution of N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor subunits in the redox-mediated decline in NMDAR function during aging.
Glu N2A and Glu N2B selective antagonists decreased peak NMDAR currents to a similar extent in young and aged animals, indicating that a shift in diheteromeric Glu N2 …
Conclusions from a behavioral aging study on male and female F2 hybrid mice on age-related behavior, buoyancy in water-based tests, and an ethical method to assess lifespan
10-05-2019Due to strain-specific behavioral idiosyncrasies, inbred mouse strains are suboptimal research models for behavioral aging studies.
The researchers found that both males and females demonstrated decreased exploratory behavior with age, while memory and depressive-like behavior were maintained.
Dr. Malin Hernebring …
Habitual tea drinking modulates brain efficiency: evidence from brain connectivity evaluation
10-04-2019The researchers recruited healthy older participants to two groups according to their history of tea drinking frequency and investigated both functional and structural networks to reveal the role of tea drinking on brain organization.
The suppression of hemispheric asymmetry in the structural connectivity network was …
Adipogenic progenitors keep muscle stem cells young
10-03-2019In adult skeletal muscle, loss of myofiber integrity caused by mechanical injuries or diseases are repaired by resident muscle stem cells, called satellite cells, which promptly exit from quiescence after disruption of muscle architecture to expand, differentiate and drive tissue regeneration.
Dr. Jerome N. Feige …
The effects of dietary fatty acids on bone, hematopoietic marrow and marrow adipose tissue in a murine model of senile osteoporosis
10-02-2019Marrow adipose tissue expansion and associated lipotoxicity are important drivers of age-related bone loss and hematopoietic bone marrow atrophy.
Dr. Gustavo Duque from the Australian Institute for Musculoskeletal Science (AIMSS), The University of Melbourne and Western Health, St. Albans, VIC, Australia and the …
Inadequate control of thyroid hormones sensitizes to hepatocarcinogenesis and unhealthy aging
09-30-2019For Aging’s Volume 11, Issue 18, the Journal devoted the Cover to a research paper by Dr. Alejandro Martin-Montalvo from the Department of Regeneration and Cell Therapy, Andalusian Center for Molecular Biology and Regenerative Medicine-CABIMER, Junta de Andalucia-University of Pablo de Olavide-University of …
DNA methylation-based estimator of telomere length
08-25-2019Leukocyte DNAm TL is applicable across the entire age spectrum and is more strongly associated with age than measured leukocyte TL.
Leukocyte DNAm TL outperforms LTL in predicting: i)time-to-death, ii)time-to-coronary heart disease, iii)time-to-congestive heart failure and iv)association with smoking history.
Dr. …
Epigenome-wide association study of leukocyte telomere length
08-25-2019In this study, the research team conducted a large-scale epigenome-wide association study of LTL using seven large cohorts the Framingham Heart Study, the Jackson Heart Study, the Womens Health Initiative, the Bogalusa Heart Study, the Lothian Birth Cohorts of 1921 and 1936, and the Longitudinal Study of Aging Danish …
‘Tickle’ therapy could help slow ageing
07-30-2019‘Tickling’ the ear with a small electrical current appears to rebalance the autonomic nervous system for over-55s, potentially slowing down one of the effects of ageing, according to new research.
Scientists found that a short daily therapy delivered for two weeks led to both physiological and wellbeing improvements, …
Rapamycin retards epigenetic ageing of keratinocytes independently of its effects on replicative senescence, proliferation and differentiation
06-04-2019Cessation, or even retardation of the ageing process is an appealing notion that has captured the imagination of humans for millennia. Even if it were possible to rejuvenate our bodies or retard the ageing process, how do we measure this?
Age, as we know it, is clearly an inappropriate measurement because it is based …
Exploiting mitochondrial targeting signal(s), TPP and bis‐TPP, for eradicating cancer stem cells (CSCs)
06-01-2018TPP-related compounds may provide a novel chemical strategy for effectively targeting bulk cancer cells and CSCs, while minimizing off-target side-effects in normal cells.
Several independent lines of evidence support the idea that increased mitochondrial biogenesis or higher levels of mitochondrial protein …
Small extracellular vesicles and their miRNA cargo are anti-apoptotic members of the senescence-associated secretory phenotype
06-01-2018The specific molecular mechanism of selective release and retention of senescence-associated sEV-mi RNAs and the EV-SASP cross talk between different cell types and its consequences in the context of aging and age-associated diseases, however, remains to be elucidated.
Dr. Johannes Grillari said "We confirm that EVs …
Sex differences in transcriptomic profiles in aged kidney cells of renin lineage (CoRL)
06-01-2018The researchers found a small core set of genes involved in stemness, proliferation and migration that showed consistent changes with advanced age in cells of renin lineage (CoRL)within the kidney.
Surprisingly, most gene expression changes in CoRL aging are sex-specific: aged female mice showed up-regulation of …
DNA methylation GrimAge strongly predicts lifespan and healthspan
06-01-2018The Grim Reaper arrives for each of us eventually—wouldn’t it be nice to know when? Now UCLA researchers have developed a new tool to help you plan ahead for your date with the Angel of Death.
Named after the grim reaper, the biomarker known as DNA methylation GrimAge, allows one to predict lifespan and …