This article has been retracted: Aging has completed its investigation of this paper. We found that the immunohistochemistry image in Figure 4B, showing expression of collagen II in second generation NP cells from IVDD rats, duplicates an immunohistochemistry image from a previously published unrelated paper [1]. The authors replied that the results of their study confirmed that DNMT3B is only weakly expressed in degenerated rat intervertebral disc tissue. However, when they recently repeated the animal part of the study, they were unable to obtain results consistent with the original study. The in vivo data presented in Figure 8 “DNMT3B alleviated IVDD through TRPA1-COX2-YAP axis” were not reproducible. Consequently, all authors agreed that the article should be retracted.


  • 1. Zhang YD, Zhao SC, Zhu ZS, Wang YF, Liu JX, Zhang ZC, Xue F. Cx43- and Smad-Mediated TGF-β/ BMP Signaling Pathway Promotes Cartilage Differentiation of Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells and Inhibits Osteoblast Differentiation. Cell Physiol Biochem. 2017; 42:1277–93. [PubMed]. Retraction in: Cell Physiol Biochem. 2021; 55:517. [PubMed]