Aging’s Scientific Integrity Process


The open-access journal Aging recently launched a new webpage showcasing the full Aging Scientific Integrity Process.

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BUFFALO, NY-November 8, 2022 – Scientific integrity is a crucial component of scholarly publishing for any credible journal. Peer-reviewed, open-access journal Aging (listed as “Aging (Albany NY)” by Medline/PubMed and “Aging-US” by Web of Science) has recently presented its Scientific Integrity process.

Launched in 2009, Aging is an open-access biomedical journal dedicated to publishing high-quality, aging-focused research. Aging publishes papers of general interest and biological significance in all fields of aging research and age-related diseases, including cancer—and now, with a special focus on COVID-19 vulnerability as an age-dependent syndrome. 

Aging has a scientific integrity process to ensure that publications meet a number of scrupulous criteria for authenticity and integrity. Each published paper is thoroughly analyzed by diligent reviewers and services, including multiple in-house developed image forensics softwares. A growing industry of digital technologies, tools and ideas are constantly being added to Aging’s scientific integrity toolbox. 

Aging’s Scientific Integrity process is built upon six critical components:

  1. Easily Accessible Ethics Statements
  2. Devotion to Industry Standards for Scientific Publishing
  3. Rigorous and Insightful Peer Review
  4. Detection and Zero-Tolerance of Plagiarism
  5. Leading-Edge Image Forensics
  6. Post-Publication Investigations (if needed)

You can read about each of these components in greater detail on Aging’s new Scientific Integrity webpage

The new webpage also depicts publishing statistics in a detailed graph (below)—showcasing a visual representation of the number of post-publication corrections and retractions by Aging compared to the industry average, between 2010 and 2022. As of September 2022, Aging’s average rate of corrections/retractions since 2009 is a low 2.33%. The industry average correction/retraction rate is 3.80%.

Aging’s highly-effective scientific integrity process allows researchers to read, share and cite Aging papers with confidence.

Click here for Aging’s full Scientific Integrity Process.

About Aging-US:

Cancer and aging are two sides of age-related tumorigenesis.

The mission of the journal is to understand the mechanisms surrounding aging and age-related diseases, including cancer as the main cause of death in the modern aged population.

The journal aims to promote 1) treatment of age-related diseases by slowing down aging, 2) validation of anti-aging drugs by treating age-related diseases, and 3) prevention of cancer by inhibiting aging. (Cancer and COVID-19 are age-related diseases.)

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