Research Paper Volume 15, Issue 20 pp 11298—11312

Single-cell landscape and spatial transcriptomic analysis reveals macrophage infiltration and glycolytic metabolism in kidney renal clear cell carcinoma


Figure 10. Analysis of drug sensitivity and cytotoxicity in renal cancer cells. (A) The PGAM1 gene was queried in the pharmacogenetics database to identify gene signatures and potential drugs. Predictivity refers to the fold change in efficacy of short hairpin PGAM1 (shPGAM1), which indicates the efficiency of PGAM1 knockdown using shRNA, between cells with high and low response to the target drug. The drug sensitivity of the shPGAM1 gene to various chemical drugs was evaluated in KIRC cell lines. The boxplots show the log of the half maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) values of GNE-317 (B), MS-275 (C), AC45971100 (D), and NSC-35468 (E).