Correction Volume 15, Issue 12 pp 5954—5955

Correction for: Catalpol enhanced physical exercise-mediated brain functional improvement in post-traumatic stress disorder model via promoting adult hippocampal neurogenesis


Figure 5. Catalpol promoted neural differentiation without changing the survival of the immature neurons. (A, E) experimental procedure of different BrdU injection protocol. (B) DCX staining (green) coupled with BrdU (red) in DG to assess the NSCs neural differentiation. (C, D) Statistical analysis of the BrdU positive cell and BrdU/DCX dual positive cells in DG region. (F) NeuN staining (red) coupled with BrdU (green) in DG to assess the neural maturation in DG. (G, H) Statistical analysis of the BrdU positive cell and BrdU/NeuN dual positive cells in DG region. One-way ANOVA, ***p < 0.001 vs. control; #p < 0.05, ###p < 0.001.