Figure 2. Gene selection process and rationale. (A) Gene count number remaining after each criteria/filter step for each tissue. (B) Count of genes present across all tissues at each step (e.g. pan-tissue) (C) % Coefficient of Variance (CV) for each gene calculated as SD/mean*100 distribution of log2 TPM gene expression values. Genes that satisfy every subsequent filter are plotted by the last filter applied. Filters 1–3 slowly decrease %CV and the cumulative effect of filters 1–4 generally results in a %CV of approximately 20% (marked by the dashed line). Filter 5 imposes a strict %CV <20% requirement for all tissue-gene pairs. (D) Age information must be included in exclusion criteria as low variation genes can still have a high correlation with age. Filter 6 (Spearman correlation p-value based removal) removes highly age-correlated genes. Dashed line corresponds to a correlation coefficient (y-axis) of 0.4, which for most tissues corresponds to a significant correlation with p = 0.05. Exact CV and age correlation information is found in