Research Paper Volume 17, Issue 1 pp 97—115

Senolytic agent ABT-263 mitigates low- and high-LET radiation-induced gastrointestinal cancer development in Apc1638N/+ mice


Figure 2. ABT-263 mitigates γ-induced intestinal tumor development in male Apc1638N/+ mice. (A) Experimental plan of ABT-263 testing as a mitigator for γ-induced intestinal carcinogenesis. (B) Intestinal-tumorigenesis at 150 days post-exposure in vehicle (n=10), ABT-263 only (n=5), 2 Gy + vehicle (n=6), and 2 Gy + ABT-263 (n=6) groups. Data presented as mean ± SEM, and * p<0.05, relative to control animals. (C) Quantification of adenoma and carcinoma percentage. For each group, the percentages of adenomas and carcinomas relative to the total number of tumors assessed were calculated. (D) Effect of ABT-263 on spontaneous and IR-induced carcinoma frequency. Carcinoma frequency was defined as the number of carcinomas divided by the total tumors assessed. The induced carcinoma frequency was obtained by subtracting the spontaneous carcinoma frequency (from the control group) from that of the irradiated groups.