Research Paper Volume 17, Issue 1 pp 16—32

Topical ABT-263 treatment reduces aged skin senescence and improves subsequent wound healing


Figure 5. Heatmap of the union set of leading edge genes from seven wound healing related gene sets with significant coordinate upregulation (FDR q < 0.05) in ABT-263- vs DMSO-treated aged skin. The membership of each gene within each gene set is indicated with a colored box at the side of the heatmap: wound healing (GO:0042060), hemostasis (GO:0007599), inflammatory response (Hallmark), positive regulation of endothelial cell proliferation (GO:0001938), fibroblast proliferation (GO:0048144), angiogenesis (Hallmark), collagen biosynthesis and modifying enzymes (Reactome R-MMU-1650814). Rows and columns correspond to genes and samples, respectively. Rows are sorted from top to bottom first by gene set and then by Wald statistic. Variance-stabilizing-transformed expression values are z-score-normalized to a mean of zero and SD of 1 across all samples in each column, with blue, white and red indicating z scores of ≤ 2, 0, and ≥ 2, respectively.