Research Paper Advance Articles

Cyclin L1 participates in Adriamycin resistance and progression of osteosarcoma via PI3K/AKT-mTOR pathway


Figure 5. CCNL1 promoted drug resistance of OS cells. The expression of MPR1, Survivin, and MMP2 in HOS and 143B cells examined by western blot (A) and qRT-PCR analysis (B). *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, vector vs. CCNL1. The expression of MPR1, Survivin, and MMP2 in HOS/ADM and 143B/ADM cells examined by western blot (C) and qRT-PCR analysis (D). *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, sh-NC vs. sh-CCNL1.