Research Paper Volume 16, Issue 10 pp 8880—8897

PDIA3 driven STAT3/PD-1 signaling promotes M2 TAM polarization and aggravates colorectal cancer progression


Figure 6. PDIA3 enhances the migratory capacity of CRC cells through the regulation of STAT3/PD-1 signaling, along with influencing tumor-associated macrophage M2 polarization and tissue protease secretion. (A) Transwell migration and invasion assay results for SW480 cells, with comparative analysis between PDIA3 overexpression and OE-NC control, and PD-1 inhibitor and PD-1 NC treatments (n=3 per group, magnification 200x). Statistical evaluation via T-test,* *P < 0.01 versus corresponding control. (B) Wound healing assay results depicting cellular migration over 24 hours between SW480 cells with PDIA3 overexpression versus or-NC control, and PD-1 inhibitor versus PD-1 NC treatments (n=3 per group, magnification 200x). Statistical evaluation via T-test,* *P < 0.01 versus corresponding control.