Figure 4. Trajectory analysis of CD14+ monocytes and the pseudotime changes of the feature genes identified by machine learning algorithms. (A) Violin plot displays the response-related CD14+ monocyte signature in pseudo-bulk levels of CD14+ monocytes. (B) Violin plot displays the response-related CD14+ monocyte signature across all identified subclusters of CD14+ monocytes. “AddModule” function in Seurat package was leveraged to estimate the signature score. (C) Signature score of response-related CD14+ monocytes was mainly activated in cluster 0. (D) Trajectory analysis of CD14+ monocytes. Monocle2 package was adopted. (E) Pseudotime distribution of other and response-related CD14+ monocytes. (F) Expression changes of the feature genes following pseudotime. (G) Violin plot shows the monocyte signature scores. MS: monocyte signature. (H) Correlation analysis between the response signature and the other four published MS phenotypes.