Research Paper Volume 16, Issue 1 pp 714—745

LAMP3 is a potent uterine corpus endometrial carcinoma prognostic biomarker associated with immune behavior


Figure 8. Linkage of LAMP3 with RNA-modified genes in UCEC. (A) Correlation of LAMP3 with various RNA-modified genes in UCEC. (B) Expression level of each of 39 genes between the high and low LAMP3 expression groups in UCEC. (C) The upset plot presents the genes that are individually screened under different conditions. (D) Association of NSUN2, NSUN4, FMR1, and TRMT6 with LAMP3 expression. (E) Effect of NSUN2, NSUN4, FMR1, and TRMT6 on the survival of UCEC patients.