Figure 3. Tumor-associated macrophages (TAMs) differed in metabolism and polarization during aggrephagy. (A) Pseudotime trajectory analysis of aggrephagy genes in TAMs. (B) NMF clustering and annotation in TAMs classified by aggrephagy gene expression features. (C, D) The developing status of NMF-based TAM subtypes obtained in pseudotime analysis. (E, F) The number and weight of cell-cell interactions between aggrephagy-related TAM subtypes and other cell types. (G) A heat map summarizing the outgoing (secreting) and incoming (target) signal pathways of NMF-based aggrephagy-related TAM subtypes and other cell types. (H) Metabolic status of aggrephagy-related TAM subtypes analyzed by scMetabolism. (I) M1-like/M2-like phenotype scoring among different aggrephagy-related TAM subtypes.