Research Paper Volume 15, Issue 23 pp 14333—14371

Single-cell dissection reveals the role of aggrephagy patterns in tumor microenvironment components aiding predicting prognosis and immunotherapy on lung adenocarcinoma


Figure 2. Aggrephagy genes modified the features of CAF. (A) Pseudotime trajectory analysis of aggrephagy genes in CAFs. (B) NMF clustering and annotation in CAFs classified by aggrephagy gene expression features. (C, D) The developing status of NMF-based CAF clusters obtained in pseudotime analysis. (E) A heat map summarizing the outgoing (secreting) and incoming (target) signal pathways of NMF-based aggrephagy-related CAF subtypes and other cell types. (F, G) The number (F, number of interactions) and weight (G, interaction weights/strength) of cell-cell interactions between Agg-related CAF subtypes and other cell types. (H) Heatmap showing the different average expression of common signaling pathway genes in the aggrephagy-related CAF subtypes, including collagens, ECM, MMPs, TGFb, Neo-Angio, Contractile, RAS and Proinflammatory. (I) Different aggrephagy-related CAF subtypes were correlated with the previous signatures. (J) Heatmap showing the significantly different activities of TFs among aggrephagy-related CAF subtypes by comparing the average AUC using pySCENIC in Python.