Research Paper Volume 15, Issue 23 pp 14242—14262

Two lncRNA signatures with cuproptosis as a novel prognostic model and clinicopathological value for endometrioid endometrial adenocarcinoma


Figure 1. Consensus clustering analysis of cuproptosis-related lncRNAs and LASSO regression model. (A) Coexpression analysis of IncRNA and cuproptosis. (B) Univariate Cox regression analysis of cuproptosis-related lncRNAs. (C) LASSO regression model for the prognostic analysis of the lncRNA signature. (D) Forest plot visualing the results of multivariate Cox regression. (E) Correlation between two lncRNAs and 19 cuproptosis-related gene. Network visualization and analysis of lncRNAs and cuproptosis-related gene with Cytoscape. (F) Consensus matrix heatmap defining three clusters (k = 4) and their correlation area. (G, H) Cumulative distribution function (CDF) when k = 2–6. (I) Kaplan–Meier curve of the 4 clusters of patients with EEA in the TCGA cohort.