Research Paper Volume 15, Issue 23 pp 14019—14038

Rewiring of IGF1 secretion and enhanced IGF1R signaling induced by co-chaperone carboxyl-terminus of Hsp70 interacting protein in adipose-derived stem cells provide augmented cardioprotection in aging-hypertensive rats


Figure 6. Transplantation of CHIP-overexpressing ADSCs (rADSCCHIP-WT) regulates cardiac function in the aging-SHR model. (A) The schematic diagram illustrates the method for ADSC isolation and their transplantation into aging-SHR. (B, C) EF (%) and %FS were measured through echocardiographic analysis on WKYs, SHRs, and stem cell treated SHRs (N = 3). (D) Heart rate was measured by tail-cuff method of different experimental groups (N = 7). (E) Morphological assessments of rat hearts from different experimental groups, (N = 3). (F) The LVIDd and LVIDs obtained by echocardiographic analysis of different experimental groups, respectively. (*p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001 indicate significant differences).