Research Paper Volume 15, Issue 21 pp 12451—12475

Abnormal low expression of SFTPC promotes the proliferation of lung adenocarcinoma by enhancing PI3K/AKT/mTOR signaling transduction


Figure 8. Screening of potential drugs for LUAD patients. (AD) Patients at low risk will benefit more from CTLA4 and/or PD1 antibodies in the TCGA LUAD cohort. (EH) Analysis of the correlation between sensitivity of patients to RO-3306, cisplatin, pyrimethamine, and epothilone B and risk score in the TCGA LUAD cohort. (IL) Patients in the low-risk subgroup of the TCGA LUAD cohort were more sensitive to RO-3306, cisplatin, pyrimethamine, and epothilone B.