Research Paper Volume 15, Issue 21 pp 11875—11890

MicroRNA-30a-3p: a potential noncoding RNA target for the treatment of arteriosclerosis obliterans


Figure 4. MicroRNA-30a-3p targeted ROCK2. (A, B) ROCK2 protein levels in ASO vasculature were higher than those in normal vessels (WB, n=6). (C) ROCK2 mRNA levels in ASO vasculature were greater than those in normal tissues (qRT-PCR, n=6). (D, E) MicroRNA-30a-3p downregulated ROCK2 protein expression, and the microRNA-30a-3p inhibitor upregulated ROCK2 protein expression in VSMCs (WB, n=5). (F) The microRNA-30a-3p mimic downregulated ROCK2 mRNA expression, and the microRNA-30a-3p inhibitor minimally upregulated ROCK2 mRNA expression in VSMCs (qRT-PCR, n=6). (G) The ROCK2 3’-UTR has five microRNA-30a-3p binding sites, and we synthesized wild-type and mutant-type luciferase reporter vectors: h-ROCK2-wt and h-ROCK2-mu. (H) Coinfection with microRNA-30a-3p and wild-type h-ROCK2-wt significantly decreased the luciferase activity; (I) however, coinfection with microRNA-30a-3p and mutated h-ROCK2-mu did not affect the luciferase activity (n=3). *=0.05, **=0.005, ***=0.001.