Figure 3. Administration of MB during aging does not alter cortical bone morphology of the appendicular skeleton. Eighteen-months old female C57BL/6J were divided into two groups. One group was exposed to regular drinking water and the other to 250 μM MB-containing water. Mice were sacrificed at basal (18 months), 24, or 30 months of age. An additional group of female mice at 5 months of age, served as young controls. Bones were dissected and subjected to micro-CT. Femurs were scanned at 9.7 um resolution. Cortical bone parameters were evaluated at a 2 mm^3 volume at the femoral mid-diaphysis including, (A) T.Ar-total cross-sectional area, (B) B.Ar-bone area, (C) C.Th-cortical bone thickness, (D) B.Ar/T.Ar-cortical bone volume/total volume, (E) J0-Polar moment of inertia, and (F) BMD-bone mineral density. Data presented as mean ± SEM. 5 months-old females n = 9, 18 months-old females n = 10, 24 months-old females n = 7, 30 months-old females n = 6, 24 months-old MB-treated females n = 9, 30 months-old MB-treated females n = 8. Data tested by multivariate ANOVA presented as mean ± SEM. Significance accepted at p < 0.05 (*p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, ****p < 0.0001).