Research Paper Volume 15, Issue 19 pp 10767—10784

Modified iPOND revealed the role of mutant p53 in promoting helicase function and telomere maintenance


Figure 6. The p53S facilitated the telomere maintenance by reducing the telomere DNA replication stress. (A) The telomere FISH revealed the increased telomere length in p53S cells, but not in p53H cells. (B) The quantification and statistical analysis of (A). (C) The telomere DNA qPCR revealed the increased telomere length in p53S cells, but not in p53H cells. (D) IF-FISH revealed the increase of telomere DNA damage related γ-H2AX foci induced by 20 μM of PDS in all four cells, while the p53null and p53H cells showed stronger γ-H2AX signals compared with WT cells, and p53S cells displayed less γ-H2AX signals. The arrows pointed to the colocalization sites. (E) The quantification and statistical analysis of (D). (F) IF-FISH revealed that the telomere related DNA helicase Fand2 were recruited to the telomere after 20 μM PDS treatment, and p53S promoted the recruitment of Fancd2 to the telomere, but not in p53H cells. The arrows pointed to the colocalization sites. (G) The quantification and statistical analysis of (F).