Research Paper Volume 15, Issue 17 pp 8908—8929

TIMP1 shapes an immunosuppressive microenvironment by regulating anoikis to promote the progression of clear cell renal cell carcinoma


Figure 6. Correlation of TIMP1 expression profile with clinicopathological characteristics in ccRCC. (A) Expression profile of TIMP1 in 33 tumors; (B) Differential expression of TIMP1 in ccRCC and paracancerous tissues; (C) KM survival curves showing OS of TIMP1 in ccRCC; (D) ROC curves about TIMP1 in ccRCC; (EI) Differences in TIMP1 expression profile among clinicopathological variables (E) Grade; (F) Stage; (G) T stage; (H) M stage; (I) N stage; (JN) Differential expression of TIMP1 in different clinicopathological stages in the GEO validation datasets. (J, N) GSE40435; (K, L) GSE73731; (M) GSE53757.