Research Paper Volume 15, Issue 17 pp 8712—8728

HNRNPA2B1 is a potential biomarker of breast cancer related to prognosis and immune infiltration


Figure 1. Amplification, deletion, and mutation analysis of m6A regulators. (A) The waterfall plot showed a mutation distribution of top 10 mutated genes and a SNV classification of SNV types in pan-cancer (B) Methylation module explores the differential methylation between tumor and paired normal, the correlation between methylation with expression and the OS affected by methylation level for selected cancer types. (C, D) Heterozygous/Homozygous CNV profile show you percentage of heterozygous/homozygous CNV including amplification and deletion percentage of heterozygous/homozygous CNV about each gene in each cancer. Only genes with >5% CNV in cancers will show corresponding points on the figure (Abbreviations: Hete Amp: heterozygous amplification; Hete Del: heterozygous deletion; Homo Amp: homozygous amplification; Homo Del: homozygous deletion; None: no CNV). (E) cBioPortal focus on homozygous CNV in the present.