Research Paper Volume 15, Issue 14 pp 6969—6992

Characterization of platelet-related genes and constructing signature combined with immune-related genes for predicting outcomes and immunotherapy response in lung squamous cell carcinoma


Figure 3. Molecular subtypes based on 25 prognostic PRGs and biological function analysis. (AC) Consensus curves and heatmap when k = 3. (D) Overall survival (OS) analysis for the three distinct LUSC clusters. (E) PCA analysis showed that the distributions of three clusters. (F) Boxplot showed the expression of 25 PRGs in the three clusters (Wilcoxon test). (G, H) The significantly different KEGG and HALLMARK genesets in the three clusters using ssGSEA analysis. ***P < 0.01 and ****P < 0.0001.