Research Paper Volume 15, Issue 13 pp 6400—6428

Exploring Cancer Dependency Map genes and immune subtypes in colon cancer, in which TIGD1 contributes to colon cancer progression


Figure 7. The expression of the identified five CDM genes from the human protein atlas database (HPA). (A) Western blotting. The protein expression of five CDM genes in the normal derived colon mucosal (NCM460) and colon cancer cells (HT29, HCT116, SW620 and DLD1). (BF) Protein expressions of five CDM genes in colon cancer tissue specimens by immunohistochemical; (B) for MMS19; (C) for NOP14; (D) for POLRMT; (E) for SNAPC5; (F) for TIGD1. (GK) Protein expressions and localization of five CDM genes in U2-OC cell by immunofluorescence (green represents five CDM-associated protein, blue represents nucleus and red represents microtubule); (G) for MMS19; (H) for NOP14; (I) for POLRMT; (J) for SNAPC5; (K) for TIGD1.