Research Paper Volume 15, Issue 12 pp 5445—5481

Cross-talk of RNA modification "writers" describes tumor stemness and microenvironment and guides personalized immunotherapy for gastric cancer


Figure 11. Performance of the WM_Score across pan-cancer types. (A, B) Correlation between WM_Score and immune cell fractions (A) and stemness indices (B) for each cancer type. Upper regions of grids show p-values. The bottom regions show the correlation coefficient. (C, D) Overall survival (C) and prognosis-free interval (D) analyses for the WM_Score in TCGA pan-cancer types using a univariate Cox regression model. A hazard ratio < 1 represents protective factors for survival, while hazard ratio > 1 represents risk factors for survival. (EG) Radar plots of the correlation between WM_Score and tumor mutation burden (E), microsatellite instability (F), and PD-L1 expression level (G). Dots in the radar plots represent the R-value of correlation: R > 0, positive correlation, and R < 0, negative correlation. Asterisks or the black dots represent the statistical p-value (Pearson’s Correlation test, *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001).