Figure 6. FBXO28 promotes SMARCC2 ubiquitination. (A, B) MG132 (15 μM) was applied to BxPC-3 and PANC-1 cells for the indicated times, and endogenous SMARCC2 levels were detected by western blot. (C, D) MG132 (15 μM) was added to overexpressing BxPC-3 cells and knockdown PANC-1 cells for the indicated times during the western blot to detect SMARCC2 changes. (E–H) CHX (20 μM) was applied to BxPC-3 and PANC-1 cells for the indicated times, and western blotting was carried out to detect SMARCC2 degradation. (I) BxPC-3 cells were transfected with incremental amounts of Flag-FBXO28 plasmid and detected with anti-SMARCC2 antibody to measure the endogenous SMARCC2 expression level. (J) BxPC-3 cells were transfected without treatment or with a single dose of the plasmid encoding Myc-SMARCC2, with or without co-transfection with the increased Flag-FBXO28 plasmid. SMARCC2 expression levels were detected with anti-Myc antibody. (K, L) Ubiquitin plasmid (HA-ub) plasmids were transfected in overexpressing BxPC-3 cells and knockdown PANC-1 cells, and SMARCC2 protein ubiquitination levels were detected by co-immunoprecipitation. *P < 0.05 **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001, ****P < 0.0001.