Figure 7. In vitro experimental verification of MGME1 in LGG. (A) Western blot analysis of MGME1 expression in LGG tissues and corresponding para-carcinoma tissues. (B) Western blot and (C) qRT-PCR analysis of MGME1 expression in NHA and LGG cell lines. (D) The cell viability of si-MGME1-transfected and si-NC-transfected SW1088 cells by CCK-8 assays. (E, F) Effect of MGME1 knockdown on colony formation was counted in SW1088 cells. (G, H) Cell cycle assays were executed to assess the cell cycle distribution of the SW1088 cells transfected with si-MGME1 or si-NC lentiviruses. (I, J) Representative images (I) and histogram analysis (J) of EdU assays after silencing MGME1 in SW1088 cells.