Figure 5. Inflammatory pathways upregulated with senescence. (A) Heat map of SASP protein components. Z-scores of changes in mRNA show upregulation, downregulation, or little change. Completely white rows represent zero FPKM at all passages for all donors. (B) mRNA levels of 8 selected major inflammatory SASP elements. Increases from passage 5 to last passage were significant (p < 0.05) (Mean ± SD). Y-axis scales differ. (C) Protein levels of the same 8 major inflammatory SASP elements in CM. Multiplex immunoassay results (Mean ± SD). Results normalized by cell count and by subtracting amounts of these proteins contained in the same quantity of clean medium. Y-axis scales differ. (Significance determined by t-tests.) (D) Heat map of differentially expressed genes (DEGs) in NF-κB pathways. Z-scores of mRNA changes. DEGs defined as adjusted p-value of change from passage 5 to last passage was < 0.05 and log2-fold change >1.5 or less than -1.5. (E) Immunoblot for p-p65 (S536). Indication of NF-κB transcriptional activity (Donor 1415). (F) Heat map of DEGs in IFN pathways. Z-scores of mRNA changes. DEGs defined as in