Figure 4. Subfertility results from miscarriage and smaller CL in GC-specific Wntless knockout mice. (A) Uteri collected from 13.5 dpc Wntless Flox/Flox and Wntless Flox/Flox, Amhr2-Cre mice. Red arrows indicate miscarriage locations. (B) Top row, representative images of one plane in ovaries, scale bar = 500 μm. The magnified images of a part of CL and hemorrhagic response are displayed in the second row, scale bar = 150 μm. (C) The area ratio of CL to the ovary for Wntless Flox/Flox (n=5) and Wntless Flox/Flox, Amhr2-Cre (n=6) mice at 13.5 dpc. (D) Serum progesterone levels in Wntless Flox/Flox (n=5) and Wntless Flox/Flox, Amhr2-Cre (n=6) mice at 13.5 dpc. (E) Serum estradiol levels in Wntless Flox/Flox (n=5) and Wntless Flox/Flox/Amhr2-Cre (n=6) mice at 13.5 dpc. In (C, D), **P<0.01.