Figure 3. Loss of FBP1 regulated fatty acid metabolism in ESCC cells. (A) The impact of FBP1 expression on the content of phospholipids in ESCC cells. (B) The impact of FBP1 expression on the content of triglycerides in ESCC cells. (C) The neutral lipids content was detected by flow cytometry in Eca109 cells, gray, control; black, shFBP1. (D, F) The impact of FBP1 expression on the expression of FASN, ACC1 and SREBP1C was determined in ESCC cells. (E) The neutral lipids content was detected by staining with BODIPY 493/503 dye (green) and DAPI (blue) in Eca109 cells, scale bar= 20μm. Mock, the blank control group. Vector, the blank vector group. shFBP1, FBP1 shRNA vector group. **p< 0.01, ***p< 0.001 VS Mock.