Research Paper Volume 12, Issue 17 pp 17150—17166

LNK deficiency decreases obesity-induced insulin resistance by regulating GLUT4 through the PI3K-Akt-AS160 pathway in adipose tissue


Figure 3. LNK deficiency influences adipose metabolism and systemic inflammation. Fasting total cholesterol (A), triglyceride (B), HDL (C), LDL (D), apolipoprotein (E), free fatty acid (F), high-sensitivity c-reactive protein (G) levels in mice serum at week 16 on the HFD or NCD feeding. HFD: LNK-/- n=7, WT n=6; NCD: LNK-/- n=6, WT n=7. Bars indicate mean ± SD. Statistical analysis was performed by One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001.