Research Paper Volume 12, Issue 12 pp 12119—12141

Serum proteomic predicts effectiveness and reveals potential biomarkers for complications in liver transplant patients


Figure 6. Validated expression of potential serum biomarkers by ELISA and western blot. (AG) ELISA analysis of ACLY, FGA and APOA1 in the serum of different groups. (AC) ACLY, FGA and APOA1 expression in perioperative group. (d-e) ACLY and FGA expression in AR group. (FG) ACLY and FGA expression in ITBL group. (***p < 0.001, **p < 0.01, * p < 0.05) (HJ) Confirmation of proteomic results by western blot in the serum of different groups. (H) Detection of ACLY, FGA and APOA1 in perioperative group, randomly chose three serum samples from pre-transplants, post-transplants and healthy controls, respectively. (I) Detection of ACLY and FGA in AR group, randomly chose three serum samples from ARs, transplant excellents and healthy controls, respectively. (J) Detection of ACLY and FGA in ITBL group, randomly chose three serum samples from ITBLs, transplant excellents and healthy controls, respectively. Transferred proteins to the PVDF membrane were detected by Ponceau S stain as western blot loading control.