Research Paper Volume 12, Issue 12 pp 11812—11834

FAM83H and SCRIB stabilize β-catenin and stimulate progression of gastric carcinoma


Figure 1. Expression and prognostic significance of the expression of FAM83H, SCRIB, and β-catenin in 200 human gastric carcinomas. (A) Immunohistochemical expression of FAM83H, SCRIB, and β-catenin in normal gastric mucosa, gastric dysplasia, and gastric carcinoma tissue. FAM83H and SCRIB are expressed in both the cytoplasm and nuclei of tumor cells. Original magnification: x400. (B) Immunohistochemical staining scores for nuclear FAM83H (FAM83H-N), cytoplasmic FAM83H (FAM83H-C), nuclear SCRIB (SCRIB-N), cytoplasmic SCRIB (SCRIB-C), and nuclear β-catenin (β-catenin-N) in 20 normal gastric mucosa, 40 gastric dysplasia, and 200 gastric carcinomas. (C) The expression of mRNA of FAM83H and SCRIB in normal gastric tissue and gastric cancers from the GEPIA database ( Accessed 10 January 2020). (D) ROC curve analysis to determine cut-off points for the expression of FAM83H-N (red arrow), FAM83H-C (red empty arrow), SCRIB-N (blue arrowhead), SCRIB-C (blue empty arrowhead), and β-catenin-N (green arrowhead). The cut-off points are determined at the point of the highest area under the curve (AUC) to predict the death of gastric carcinoma patients. (E) Kaplan-Meier survival analysis of overall survival and relapse-free survival according to the FAM83H-N, FAM83H-C, SCRIB-N, SCRIB-C, and β-catenin-N expression.