Research Paper Volume 12, Issue 12 pp 11698—11716

Epothilone B prevents lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammatory osteolysis through suppressing osteoclastogenesis via STAT3 signaling pathway


Figure 2. Epothilone B inhibited RANKL or LPS induced osteoclast differentiation and bone resorption activity in a dose dependent manner. (A) Schematic representation of the design of in vitro and in vivo experiments. (B) Representative images of RAW264.7 cells stained for TRAP treated with RANKL (100 ng/ml) and M-CSF (50 ng/ml) for 3 days or pretreatment with RANKL for 24h and LPS for another 48h. BMMs were incubated with RANKL (100 ng/ml) and M-CSF (50 ng/ml) for 5 days. All groups were incubated in the presence or absence Epothilone B. Scale bar = 200 μm. (CE) Quantification of TRAP positive multinucleated osteoclasts (nuclei≥3) per well. (F) Representative images of RAW264.7 cells and BMMs were seeded onto bovine slices, which were also incubated with the same strategies. Scale bar = 200 μm. (GI) Quantitative analysis of the osteoclastic bone resorption of bovine slices. Data in the figures represent mean ± SD. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001 based on one way ANOVA.