Research Paper Volume 12, Issue 11 pp 10147—10161

Chronic polypharmacy impairs explorative behavior and reduces synaptic functions in young adult mice


Figure 2. Locomotor activity and anxiety-like behavior in control and polypharmacy treated mice. (A) Locomotor activity and explorative behavior: histograms show horizontal and vertical (rearing) activity measured in OF cages and analyzed per time intervals of 10 minutes over a total duration of 30 minutes. Interaction between time and treatment groups were analyzed with two-way ANOVA repeated measurements test; *p≤0.05, **p<0.01. (B) Rotarod test: average of latency to fall measured during the 3-trial session. (C, D) EPM test: dot plots show the number of entries and percentage of time spent in closed arms. Heatmaps represent color-coded areas of the maze, where red zones indicate the area which the mice explored the most (maps are showed as control and polypharmacy group average). (E) DLB test: dot plots display first latency to enter the LB and time spent by the mice exploring that compartment. All data are presented as mean ± SEM. Animals per group: n= 9 control, 10 polypharmacy. Ctrl= control, Poly= polypharmacy.