Research Paper Volume 12, Issue 8 pp 6558—6569

Epigenetic modulation of macrophage polarization prevents lumbar disc degeneration


Figure 2. CD68 promoter in AAVs allows specific targeting of macrophages. After LDD was induced in mice, orthotopic injection of these AAVs into LDD-mice was performed. Mice in the scramble group received an orthotopic injection of 100 μl 1011 AAV-pCD68-scramble; mice in the shDNMT1 group received an orthotopic injection of 100 μl 1011 AAV-pCD68-shDNMT1; mice in the shTGFβ1 group received an orthotopic injection of 100 μl 1011 AAV-pCD68-shTGFβ1; mice in the shDNMT1+shTGFβ1 group received an orthotopic injection of 50 μl 0.5X1011 AAV-pCD68-shDNMT1 and 50 μl 0.5X1011 AAV-pCD68-shTGFβ1. Mice were kept for 4 weeks before analysis. (A, B) F4/80 staining and GFP signals are shown by representative images (A) and by quantification of the percentage of GFP+ cells in all F4/80+ cells (B). NS: non-significant. N=7. Scale bars are 20μm.