Figure 11. Overexpression of PLK2 strengthened the protection of PCA. (A) The bands of PLK2, p-GSK3β and nucleus Nrf2 after transfected with pcDNA3.1-PLK2 vector (pcDNA-PLK2, pc-PLK2) and the empty vector control (pcDNA-Con, pc-Con) for 48 h. (B–D) The quantification of PLK2, p-GSK3β/ GSK3β and nuclear Nrf2 levels in each group. (E) The cell viability in each group. Data were presented as mean ± S.D., n = 6; *P < 0.05 vs. control group; #P< 0.05 vs. MPP+group; &P < 0.05 vs. pc-Con group.