Figure 4. White matter integrity evaluated by DTI images detected by 7 Tesla MRI system. (A) Representative diffusion-encoded-color (DEC) map and fractional anisotropy (FA) map showing white matter injury (yellow arrow). (B) Quantitative analysis showed that the FA value significantly decreased in TLR2KO mice (&), AD mice (#), and AD-TLR2KO mice (+) compared with WT mice (p<0.05, B). (C) Axial diffusivity (Da) value decreased in AD-TLR2KO mice compared with WT mice (+: p<0.05). (D) Radial diffusivity (Dr) value increased in AD (#) and AD-TLR2KO (+) mice compared with WT mice (p<0.05). (E) There was no significant deference in the mean diffusivity (MD) value among the groups. (n= 4~6 / group).