Research Paper Volume 11, Issue 11 pp 3585—3600

Blocking lncRNA H19-miR-19a-Id2 axis attenuates hypoxia/ischemia induced neuronal injury


Figure 5. Id2 mRNA is a direct target of miR-19a. (A) The predicted fragment including binding sites were cloned into the wild-type (Id2-wt) and mutated fragment (Id2-mut). (B) miR-19a mimic inhibited the expression of Id2 mRNA in OGD neuronal cells, while miR-19a inhibitor increased its expression. (C) miR-19a mimic inhibited the expression of Id2 protein in OGD neuronal cells, while miR-19a inhibitor increased its expression. (D) Dual-luciferase report assay demonstrated that miR-19a mimic reduced the luciferase activity of Id2-wt, but not of Id2-mut.