Figure 1. DR delays age-related increase in hydrogen peroxide release from mouse brain mitochondria. (A) Hydrogen peroxide release from isolated mouse brain mitochondria measured using the Amplex red method at 3, 15 and 24 months under AL and DR conditions: Complex I linked substrate, pyruvate/malate (PM, 5mM) in the presence of rotenone (5µM) (maximum capacity). (B) Complex II linked substrate, succinate (4mM). Between 4 (3 months) and 9 (15 months AL) mice per group were used. Data are mean ± S.E.M. Significance for age-related increase was analysed using One way ANOVA compared to 3 months old brains. Differences between AL and DR at each age were compared by t-test. *P<0.05, ***P<0.001