Research Paper Volume 8, Issue 10 pp 2488—2508

Dissociation between iron accumulation and ferritin upregulation in the aged substantia nigra: attenuation by dietary restriction


Figure 9. (A) Dietary restriction has no effect on age-related increases in GFAP positive astrocytes. Solid black line indicates the outcome of two-way ANOVA testing; **** P < 0.0001 for effect of age; no significant effect of DR or age-feeding regimen interaction. Dotted line indicates post-hoc testing at the significance levels ** P < 0.01 and *** P < 0.001. Micrographs showing no difference in GFAP positive astrocytes between (B) AL and (C) DR mice at 19 months. Black arrows point to GFAP-immunopositive cells.