Research Paper Volume 8, Issue 7 pp 1513—1539

Dietary and microbiome factors determine longevity in Caenorhabditis elegans


Figure 3. B. subtilis fed worms supplemented with coQ-active E. coli extract have shortened longevity. (A) Development of synchronized clk-1(qm30) L1 larvae after 4.7 days feeding on E. coli, E. coli extract at different concentrations, or B. subtilis with or without supplementation of E. coli extract at different concentrations. y-axis shows percentage of individuals that reached each developmental stage. x-axis shows developmental stages. n= 51-160 worms per group (B) Life span curves for adult worms maintained on E. coli or B. subtilis with or without supplementation of coQ-active E. coli (OP50) extract at different concentrations. (C) Life span curves for adult worms maintained on E. coli or B. subtilis with or without supplementation of coQ-deficient E. coli (GD1) extract at different concentrations. (B and C) y-axis indicates percentage of worms that are alive. x-axis indicates day of adulthood. See also Table S4.