Research Paper Volume 8, Issue 7 pp 1540—1570

Cyclin A2 promotes DNA repair in the brain during both development and aging


Figure 9. Cyclin A2 loss in the hippocampus leads to deficits in learning and memory. CCNA2fl/fl, CamkIIα-cre mice and control CCNA2-intact mice were subjected to a battery of behavioral tests. (A-C) Barnes maze path length, latency, and errors, respectively. The x-axis is testing day. The y-axis is path length (A), total time to escape (B), and total errors during the test (C). CCNA2fl/fl, CamkIIα-cre mice performed worse in the Barnes maze than did control mice. Mixed model ANOVA with post-hoc t-test, * = p < 0.05. n = 12 control mice and 7 CCNA2fl/fl, CamkIIα-cre mice. (D) Mice were subjected to a fear conditioning test. CCNA2fl/fl, CamkIIα-cre mice showed less of a response to contextual clues during the test. The y-axis is percent of the test time the mouse spent in the “frozen” fear response state. Error bars for all graphs represent s. e. m.