Figure 8. Cyclin A2 loss impairs hippocampal development. (A) Cavalieri estimations of the size of the dentate gyrus were performed in CCNA2fl/fl, Nestin-cre brains at P0 or P14, and in CCNA2fl/fl, CamkIIa-cre brains at 4 months or 8 months of age. The y-axis is volume of the dentate gyrus. Age and cre-driver are indicated below. Unpaired t-test, * = p < 0.05, n.s. = not significant, n=3 animals per condition for P0, P14, and 4 months; n=4 animals per condition for 8 month animals. (B, D) Cryosections of brains were stained for γH2AX as in