Research Paper Volume 8, Issue 5 pp 1083—1098
Article has an altmetric score of 11

Lack of collagen VI promotes neurodegeneration by impairing autophagy and inducing apoptosis during aging


Figure 7. Reduced motor and memory tasks in aged Col6a1−/− mice. (A) Rotarod test analysis on 7-month-old and 23-month-old wild-type and Col6a1−/− mice. The time on the rod (in sec) is reported in the graph. Aged Col6a1−/− animals show reduced time to fall from rotarod compared to matched wild-type animals (***, P<0.001; n = 4). (B) Ledged beam test results from 23-month-old wild-type and Col6a1−/− mice. The histograms report the mean distance before the initial foot fault, the number of total hindpaw foot faults, and the time spent to reach the end of the beam (*, P<0.05; n = 4). (C) Y-maze test results from 23-month-old wild-type and Col6a1−/− mice. The histograms report the percentage of alternation and the number of entries (*, P<0.05; n = 8-15).