Figure 4. Fatbody dSir2, but not muscle specific dSir2 regulates starvation survival and regulates fat mobilization. (A and B) Starvation survival in (A) fatbody dSir2 knockdown flies (p < 0.001) and (B) muscle dSir2 knockdown flies (non-significant, ns)(n = 60). 200 μM RU486 was used to knockdown dSir2 expression pSw-S1106-gal4>dSir2RNAi and pSw-MHC-gal4> dSir2RNAi flies. Log Rank was used to plot survival curves and Mantel-Cox test was used for statistical analysis. (C-D) Total body triglyceride levels in fed and starved conditions in (C) whole bodydSir2RNAiflies, with respective controls (n = 36) and (D) fatbody dSir2RNAi (n = 36). Relative expression of fat metabolism genes (E) lipase-3 (lip3), (F) brummer (brmm), (G) medium chain acyl CoA dehydrogenase (mcad), (H) fatty acid synthase (fas) in fatbody dSir2 knockdown flies under fed and starved conditions (n = 24). 200 μM RU486 was used to knockdown dSir2 expression pSw-S1106-gal4>dSir2RNAi and pSw-MHC-gal4> dSir2RNAi flies. ANOVA was used to analyze statistical significance of the data (*, p < 0.05; **, p < 0.01; ***, p < 0.001 or mentioned otherwise).