Research Paper Volume 1, Issue 2 pp 245—253

Knockout of Ku86 accelerates cellular senescence induced by high NaCl


Figure 1. High NaCl induces rapid senescence of Ku86 deficient (xrs5) cells. Medium bathing CHO-K1 (wild type) and xrs5 (ku86 mutant) cells grown at 300 mosmol/kg was acutely changed to the same medium or to 500 mosmol/kg (NaCl added). (A) Photographs after 24 hours. High NaCl rapidly induces cellular hypertrophy in xrs5 cells. (B) Staining for senescence-associated β-galactosidise (SA-β-gal). Positive staining for SA-β-gal is detected 3 days after NaCl elevation. (C) Western blot for Hsp70 expression. Hsp70 is not upregulated in xrs5 cells exposed to high NaCl, consistent with senescence.