Research Paper Volume 1, Issue 2 pp 219—233

WRN helicase defective in the premature aging disorder Werner syndrome genetically interacts with topoisomerase 3 and restores the top3 slow growth phenotype of sgs1 top3


Figure 2. WRN expression in sgs1 top3 restores the slow growth phenotype of top3. Panel A, sgs1 top3 strain transformed with YEp112SpGAL or YEp112SpGAL-WRN were streaked on an SC-Trp plate containing either 2% glu or 2% gal. As a control sgs1 top3 strain transformed with YEp112SpGAL-SGS1 was streaked on both the plates. Plates were incubated at 30°C for 2 days and then photographed. Panel B, Wild type parental strain W303-1A or sgs1 strain transformed with YEp112SpGAL or YEp112SpGAL-WRN were streaked on an SC-Trp plate either containing 2% glu or 2% gal. Plates were incubated at 30°C for 4 days and then photographed. Composition of the plates was as in Panel A and Panel B respectively. Panel C, Comparison of growth of sgs1 top3 strain transformed with YEp112SpGAL, YEp112SpGAL-WRN or YEp112SpGAL-SGS1. Logarithmically growing cultures of above mentioned strains were reinoculated at OD0.05 in SC-Trp medium containing 2% gal and were incubated at 30°C. Growth of the cultures was followed by their absorbance at OD600. The experiment was repeated twice in duplicate with similar results. Data represent the mean with standard deviations indicated by error bars.