Research Paper Volume 1, Issue 1 pp 49—57

Young adult donor bone marrow infusions into female mice postpone age-related reproductive failure and improve offspring survival


Figure 6. Male donor BM does not replicate the pro-fertility effects of female donor BM. Percentage of female mice receiving vehicle (Control, n = 18), a combination chemotherapy regimen containing busulfan and cyclophosphamide (CTx, n = 21) or CTx followed by bone marrow transplantation 1 week later, using young adult male (MBMT, n = 16) or female (FBMT, n = 19) donors, that achieved full-term pregnancies over a subsequent 7-month period when mating was initiated coincident with the transplants. Data shown are the mean ± SEM of combined results from 3 separate trials (*, P < 0.05 versus the respective CTx group or CTx + MBMT group).