Figure 5. Functional alterations in aged macrophages in vitro. (A) Gating strategy for flow cytometry analysis of phagocytosis after 3h of pHrodo Red zymosan treatment. Right upper panel: Quantification of the number of phagocytic macrophages (% of positive cells). Right below panel: Quantification of the mean fluorescence intensity (MFI) representing phagocytosis capacity (n=3). (B) Macrophages are incubated with LPS (10 ng/mL) for 24h. Quantification of the pro-inflammatory response to LPS by RT-qPCR by measuring the relative expression of MCP-1 and IL-6 mRNAs. Fold induction is expressed between the control and the LPS (n=7). Error bars represent the mean±SEM. p-values were obtained comparing groups overtime using a non-parametric one-way ANOVA analysis (Kruskal-Wallis analysis followed by Dunnett’s multiple comparison test; *p<0.05; **p<0.01).